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2015 Sport - crossed jumper cable


Active Member
May 12, 2021
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Traverse City
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer Sport
Jumping my sport today and wasn't paying attention to the other person attaching the cables to the battery and they had them swapped. The battery in the explorer was too dead to turn it over. The cables were connected for roughly a minute before I noticed. I charged the battery, it started and seems to be okay. Is there anything I should check to be sure everything is okay?

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Jumping my sport today and wasn't paying attention to the other person attaching the cables to the battery and they had them swapped. The battery in the explorer was too dead to turn it over. The cables were connected for roughly a minute before I noticed. I charged the battery, it started and seems to be okay. Is there anything I should check to be sure everything is okay?
Welcome to the Forum Jason. :wave:
When a car battery is connected backward, a fuse designed to protect vehicle electronics should blow. If your vehicle doesn't have a fuse (almost all cars do) designed for this purpose, you will send electrical current backward through systems in your car, including ECU, transmission control unit, and more.


Which fuse would that be referring to? It has like 90 fuses.

Which fuse would that be referring to? It has like 90 fuses.
I haven't checked the fuse list so I can't tell you. Some vehicles have a fuse link, sometimes mounted on the firewall. If everything seems to be in working order then I'm guessing that likely no damage was done. FYI, when 'boosting' a vehicle, the negative jumper cable should be attached to a ground point of the vehicle with the dead battery where possible.


My uncle did this on an '06 sonoma, actually he put a charged battery in backwards. It had a Mega fuse right next to the battery that blew. It's even bigger than the maxi fuses that look oversize from the old regular fuses before they started using the mini fuses. His was under a cover and had tabs that bolted in line from the battery to the vehicle. I'm sure the Explorers have some sort of protection, you probably didn't send enough current though to blow it or it may have some sort of auto reset breaker now instead of a fuse and it reset.
