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2016 Ex Sport After 5k Miles Thoughts


Well-Known Member
June 25, 2015
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer Sport
I am a little over the 5,500 mile mark on my Ex Sport and I still find myself excited to greet her every morning and often times take the long way home just to spend that extra time driving her. The power is awesome and I have been getting 17-19 city mpg. I get over 24 on the highway. No issues so far.

My only gripes are the smallish gas tank, the ridiculously loud honking when you leave it running and have to get out for a sec with keys in your pocket and the 2nd row power seats. Every time I exit the vehicle, the drivers seat automatically goes all the way back on the rail, which is nice for easy exit, however; this makes the 2nd row seat behind the driver unable to clear the drivers seat (even with the head rest in the lowest position) when hitting the button to have it fold up. I do this often for access to the back, as I cannot open the lift gate in the garage when I park it. Has anyone else had this problem and rectified it? I am hoping it is some setting I can change that I have not yet run across.

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Hmm, is there not a 3/4 lift etc option on the Explorer?
The gas tank size is about my only gripe. I do understand the folding of the second row seats. I discovered that the first time I went to use it. But luckily for me I don't need to put those down often.
Oh, I forgot to add that the flashing white circle on the navigation drives me nuts!

I am a little over the 5,500 mile mark on my Ex Sport and I still find myself excited to greet her every morning and often times take the long way home just to spend that extra time driving her. The power is awesome and I have been getting 17-19 city mpg. I get over 24 on the highway. No issues so far.

My only gripes are the smallish gas tank, the ridiculously loud honking when you leave it running and have to get out for a sec with keys in your pocket and the 2nd row power seats. Every time I exit the vehicle, the drivers seat automatically goes all the way back on the rail, which is nice for easy exit, however; this makes the 2nd row seat behind the driver unable to clear the drivers seat (even with the head rest in the lowest position) when hitting the button to have it fold up. I do this often for access to the back, as I cannot open the lift gate in the garage when I park it. Has anyone else had this problem and rectified it? I am hoping it is some setting I can change that I have not yet run across.
On previous year models you could turn OFF the easy exit feature but apparently this was overlooked on the 2016 models. You should report it to your dealer, unless you want to use the feature.
To stop the honking when you exit the vehicle with the fob, don't close the door all the way. I go through that exercise every time I stop to pick up my mail from the community mailbox.


Sometimes there is something to be said for not having all the so called "technological" features. My XLT doesn't have them, and I don't miss the idiotic things they do at times. I'm old school (and just old), and I like driving my own vehicles and making my own choices as to what it does and doesn't do.

As we move closer and closer to "self driving" cars, I'll hang on to less technology as long as I can!

Sometimes there is something to be said for not having all the so called "technological" features. My XLT doesn't have them, and I don't miss the idiotic things they do at times. I'm old school (and just old), and I like driving my own vehicles and making my own choices as to what it does and doesn't do.

As we move closer and closer to "self driving" cars, I'll hang on to less technology as long as I can!
I still have my 8 track quad system.;)


Sometimes there is something to be said for not having all the so called "technological" features. My XLT doesn't have them, and I don't miss the idiotic things they do at times. I'm old school (and just old), and I like driving my own vehicles and making my own choices as to what it does and doesn't do.

As we move closer and closer to "self driving" cars, I'll hang on to less technology as long as I can!

AMEN. I agree with you. My XLT has all the features I need to go where I want. Sometimes the more technological whiz bang stuff you add on to these vehicles, the more issues come up over time. But what do I know, I'm also just an old "old school guy".

So I just went out and tinkered around. It seems ford did think of this - before folding the 2nd row power bucket seats, press the button on the outside of the head rest. This folds them in a bit, low and behold, enough for clearance without the front seats hindering their progress.

To Hawl, I agree, I am against letting tech take over everything, but man this thing is fun to drive.

So I just went out and tinkered around. It seems ford did think of this - before folding the 2nd row power bucket seats, press the button on the outside of the head rest. This folds them in a bit, low and behold, enough for clearance without the front seats hindering their progress.

To Hawl, I agree, I am against letting tech take over everything, but man this thing is fun to drive.

This still doesn't fix the problem if the front seat is all the way back. Maybe the 2nd row seat has to be in the farthest back position for it not to hit...

This still doesn't fix the problem if the front seat is all the way back. Maybe the 2nd row seat has to be in the farthest back position for it not to hit...

The front seat is all the way back on it works on mine. Like you suggest, maybe the 2nd row isn't all the way back? It's tight, but it clears now.

I am a little over the 5,500 mile mark on my Ex Sport and I still find myself excited to greet her every morning and often times take the long way home just to spend that extra time driving her. The power is awesome and I have been getting 17-19 city mpg. I get over 24 on the highway. No issues so far.

My only gripes are the smallish gas tank, the ridiculously loud honking when you leave it running and have to get out for a sec with keys in your pocket and the 2nd row power seats. Every time I exit the vehicle, the drivers seat automatically goes all the way back on the rail, which is nice for easy exit, however; this makes the 2nd row seat behind the driver unable to clear the drivers seat (even with the head rest in the lowest position) when hitting the button to have it fold up. I do this often for access to the back, as I cannot open the lift gate in the garage when I park it. Has anyone else had this problem and rectified it? I am hoping it is some setting I can change that I have not yet run across.

Turn the easy exit off so it doesn't slide back.

Sometimes there is something to be said for not having all the so called "technological" features. My XLT doesn't have them, and I don't miss the idiotic things they do at times. I'm old school (and just old), and I like driving my own vehicles and making my own choices as to what it does and doesn't do.

As we move closer and closer to "self driving" cars, I'll hang on to less technology as long as I can!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Well said, Halwg, I'm with you. I got an XLT with the normal power items. Didn't want Nav, cuz I can use my phone. Only reason I got the power hatchback is because it was already on the color I (wife) wanted.

I am a little over the 5,500 mile mark on my Ex Sport and I still find myself excited to greet her every morning and often times take the long way home just to spend that extra time driving her. The power is awesome and I have been getting 17-19 city mpg. I get over 24 on the highway. No issues so far.

My only gripes are the smallish gas tank, the ridiculously loud honking when you leave it running and have to get out for a sec with keys in your pocket and the 2nd row power seats. Every time I exit the vehicle, the drivers seat automatically goes all the way back on the rail, which is nice for easy exit, however; this makes the 2nd row seat behind the driver unable to clear the drivers seat (even with the head rest in the lowest position) when hitting the button to have it fold up. I do this often for access to the back, as I cannot open the lift gate in the garage when I park it. Has anyone else had this problem and rectified it? I am hoping it is some setting I can change that I have not yet run across.

As far as the liftgate goes you can hit the button on it's way up and it will stop before you hit the garage door. I have the same issue. When you hit the button again it will go down instead of continuing up.

As far as the liftgate goes you can hit the button on it's way up and it will stop before you hit the garage door. I have the same issue. When you hit the button again it will go down instead of continuing up.
Page 66 of the Owner's Guide shows you how to set the liftgate opening height so it won't hit the garage door.

Setting the Liftgate Open Height
1. Open the liftgate.
2. Stop the liftgate movement by pressing the control button on the liftgate when it reaches the desired height.
Note: Once the liftgate has stopped
moving, you can also manually move it to
the desired height.
3. Press and hold the liftgate control button on the liftgate until you hear a
chime, indicating programming is complete.


Page 66 of the Owner's Guide shows you how to set the liftgate opening height so it won't hit the garage door.

Setting the Liftgate Open Height
1. Open the liftgate.
2. Stop the liftgate movement by pressing the control button on the liftgate when it reaches the desired height.
Note: Once the liftgate has stopped
moving, you can also manually move it to
the desired height.
3. Press and hold the liftgate control button on the liftgate until you hear a
chime, indicating programming is complete.


Well that is cool af!

Page 66 of the Owner's Guide shows you how to set the liftgate opening height so it won't hit the garage door.

Setting the Liftgate Open Height
1. Open the liftgate.
2. Stop the liftgate movement by pressing the control button on the liftgate when it reaches the desired height.
Note: Once the liftgate has stopped
moving, you can also manually move it to
the desired height.
3. Press and hold the liftgate control button on the liftgate until you hear a
chime, indicating programming is complete.


Totally use this feature. Garage door sits to low and I put rubber bump stops on it when we had the '06 explorer. No need now:D

Although I have smacked my head on the liftgate in the supermarket parking lot now:(
