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2016 LTD - Accident day of pay off(Paint codes)


June 28, 2015
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2016 explorer ltd
I've heard these stories but never experienced it myself -- I received the Title to my 2016 Explorer after paying off the loan. 52 minutes later I was struck from behind by an idiot who cannot drive on snow "dusted" roads. Anyway, collision shop is telling me FORD DOES NOT HAVE A PAINT CODE FOR THE HITCH COVER - SO - WE MUST REMOVE THE ENTIRE LOWER BUMPER AND PAINT IT AS BEST WE CAN MATCH. // Im going to the dealership to get the paint codes unless you all know of a site that has accurate codes? GRATEFUL IN ADVANCE, Jim

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Seems surprising at this point, as the 16's have been out for a while now and sorry to hear of the accident.

I just spoke w Tedd Britt Chantilly VA - Parts. I was told NOT to come into the dealership because Parts personnel cannot go outside. I was told to give them the VIN over the phone and they would tell me if it comes painted or primed. So I'll give that a try. Will advise.

Parts people can't go outside? wow!

No real shocker here:
- I used the Ford "blow up" parts schematic
- The part is 17F000
- It can be ordered for my VIN
- It comes painted to match
- $80
- Collision shop was $259 and they aid Ford can't ship painted
Now I'll see what USAA says.
Will advise

Sorry blwnsmoke didn't know they were updated.

No worries, as I said I just found that out myself yesterday after telling someone how to remove the cover on their 16 based on the 11-15 cover. :thumbsup:

Actually I am not sure how they would paint the thing, that sort of hard plastic is normally mixed to the color you want it. Or at least that is the way I have seen it.

That cover is for a 11-15. Just had a discussion on here about that cover on a 16 and from how the conversation went, it is not the same cover.

Copy - I see now you were referring to the one on Amazon -- the one I found on Ford site and asked the dealer about was for my 2016 through Ford. Thnx, Jim

My sport came with a damaged hitch cover and the dealer had to paint to match, using the Ford paint code. The sport's is black.

If it is a real bodyshop, they can match the paint.

Thnx for the info on here. On Friday I got to Ted Britt Ford in Chantilly - Parts Mgr looked it up. The hitch cover arrives to them PRIMED -- dealership paints it on site - total is $160.00. I ordered it. Will let yall know. Thnx again, Jim

Thnx for the info on here. On Friday I got to Ted Britt Ford in Chantilly - Parts Mgr looked it up. The hitch cover arrives to them PRIMED -- dealership paints it on site - total is $160.00. I ordered it. Will let yall know. Thnx again, Jim
It's not unusual for these types of parts to not come painted. Same thing happened with a front right sensor they had to replace on my 2011. Body shop had to paint it. Actually makes sense. I would think that the paint code for the cover would be the same as for the vehicle itself.


It's not unusual for these types of parts to not come painted. Same thing happened with a front right sensor they had to replace on my 2011. Body shop had to paint it. Actually makes sense. I would think that the paint code for the cover would be the same as for the vehicle itself.


Based on what I've seen, the paint seems to be a silver finish on the lower bumper where the hitch cover is.


Based on what I've seen, the paint seems to be a silver finish on the lower bumper where the hitch cover is.
It seems you are correct. I had been envisioning the previous model years.


Was there ever a paint code for the silver on the front and rear bumpers given for 2016's? I have a few scratches and Ford tells me there is no code for it.

Was there ever a paint code for the silver on the front and rear bumpers given for 2016's? I have a few scratches and Ford tells me there is no code for it.
Just did a quick internet search and came up with this site; http://www.automotivetouchup.com/touch-up-paint/ford/2016/explorer/
What you're looking for could be the first colour 'Silver Gray Metallic' since I believe the body colour of the silver 2016 is called Ingot Silver Metallic and there was no other silver body colour offered. When I checked another site the Silver Gray Metallic did not show. Just the "Ingot" one. Have you checked with your dealer or their body shop?


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Yes, I just left the dealer and called Ford corporate. Ford corporate gave me a paint code of CLFB5. Dealer said its not a good code and no googling shows it either. Dealer is giving me a bottle of UX silver ingot to use, since it appears close enough. I will update this thread if it is indeed UX.

I also called automotivetouchup, they said even with my VIN I provided, that they show no code for the silver on the front and rear bumpers......

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