2016 PIU powertrain swap to 2013 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 PIU powertrain swap to 2013


New Member
April 26, 2023
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Copperas Cove Texas
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2013 Explorer
First post, I searched to see if has been asked and didn’t see anything with my exact situation. So here goes.

Neighbor had transmission failure in is 2013 explorer. He bought a 2016 interceptor with low mileage so we could swap the engine, trans and transfer case and I realized today they weren’t exactly the same. I did the reading and found the differences in the motor and will swap the harness. I’m also swapping the trans and transfer case with this unit and see that the new one is cooled and also has a sensor pigtail. From what I can tell the electrical connector is a temp sensor. If I am correct on that, then I believe all I need to do is just secure the wiring out of the way and not worry about putting that in because the 2013 does not have any sensors. My bigger question is the cooling lines, is it as simple as I just need to plumb them to the cooling system? From what I can tell these are sealed transfer cases so I believe it’s coolant that only circulates to cool the unit. Hopefully someone else has already done this and can line me out. Appreciate any help.

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I don't recall anyone doing the swap. If you go ahead with this it would be great if you could create a "how to" thread. If you do send me a PM and I will set you up with an Elite membership.:chug:

I'm not sure if this'll work since 2016 was facelifted. You could definitely give it a try. I'm sure the engine will work if it's the same 3.7L or 3.5L EcoBoost one.

Both are naturally aspirated, they’re the same minus the engine harness. I need to find out whether engine coolant or trans fluid is what cools the transfer case. I didn’t see the donor so I don’t know where it went. If anyone has pictures of where the transfer case cooler lines go on a 2016 it would probably answer my questions.

Both are naturally aspirated, they’re the same minus the engine harness. I need to find out whether engine coolant or trans fluid is what cools the transfer case. I didn’t see the donor so I don’t know where it went. If anyone has pictures of where the transfer case cooler lines go on a 2016 it would probably answer my questions.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
As mentioned, the 2016 Explorer was a 'refresh'. There were changes both exterior and interior and with the electronics. Unfortunately that just about sums up my experience. I'm sure other members will be able to help. Good luck.


Both are naturally aspirated, they’re the same minus the engine harness. I need to find out whether engine coolant or trans fluid is what cools the transfer case. I didn’t see the donor so I don’t know where it went. If anyone has pictures of where the transfer case cooler lines go on a 2016 it would probably answer my questions.
I can't see how a civilian and FPIU could have the same, naturally aspirated engine as the 3.7 was only available in the FPIU.

I can't see how a civilian and FPIU could have the same, naturally aspirated engine as the 3.7 was only available in the FPIU.
The 3.5 ecoboost was also available in the PIU, and all three motors were in the PIS.

The 3.7 is the same as the 3.5 physically and sensor wise. The difference is the bore is larger on the 3.7 it’s the transfer case cooler that’s my only concern

There are coolant lines that go over the top of PTU to the side cooler. You could probably take the 2016 radiator and supporting lines and put them in the 2013. You could unbolt the cooler or cap off the lines too. I would try to swap everything over so the cooler is functional. 2013 did have temp sensor as option (standard on 3.5 Ecoboost).

There is someone on this forum that did the 3.5 to 3.7 swap not too long ago. It should show up in a search.

The 3.7 was used in the Mustang but its not in transverse configuration like the Explorer/Taurus

There are coolant lines that go over the top of PTU to the side cooler. You could probably take the 2016 radiator and supporting lines and put them in the 2013. You could unbolt the cooler or cap off the lines too. I would try to swap everything over so the cooler is functional. 2013 did have temp sensor as option (standard on 3.5 Ecoboost).

There is someone on this forum that did the 3.5 to 3.7 swap not too long ago. It should show up in a search.

The 3.7 was used in the Mustang but its not in transverse configuration like the Explorer/Taurus
I don’t have the donor radiator, if those cooler lines are engine coolant I’ll tie them to the engine oil cooler, if they’re cooled by transmission fluid then that’s a bigger challenge. This unit doesn’t have the temp sensor so I’ll just leave it out of the swap. Main thing I need to see is what cools the ptu.

Those lines on the PTU cooler back feed to the radiator. Just cap them off or like I said earlier you could also unbolt the cooler and not use it at all.

You could also use the PTU from the 2013 and it will bolt up to the 2016 transmission. All PTU units are interchangeable.

Thank you I misread it initially. I appreciate it

The 3.5 ecoboost was also available in the PIU, and all three motors were in the PIS.
The 3.7 was not available in the civilian Explorer was my point.

The 3.7 was not available in the civilian Explorer was my point.
It’s also really not important. It’s not really a different motor, the bore is just different.
