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2018 Explorer Limited 3.5L oil leaks


April 23, 2019
Reaction score
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Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer Limited
just bought my 2018 Explorer Limited with 3.5L standard in Dec.’18, It was manufacturer in July ‘18.
I’m finding a lot of missing/incorrect assembly, is anyone else finding this too? Here’s 2 examples, missing bolt for drivers side headlight assembly, and oil leaking from bolts atop the oil filter.

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View attachment 169765 View attachment 169764 just bought my 2018 Explorer Limited with 3.5L standard in Dec.’18, It was manufacturer in July ‘18.
I’m finding a lot of missing/incorrect assembly, is anyone else finding this too? Here’s 2 examples, missing bolt for drivers side headlight assembly, and oil leaking from bolts atop the oil filter.

Well, disappointing but not surprising. CAP has terrible QC. Bring it in to the dealer and ask if thats covered under warranty :D

just bought my 2018 Explorer Limited with 3.5L standard in Dec.’18, It was manufacturer in July ‘18.
I’m finding a lot of missing/incorrect assembly, is anyone else finding this too? Here’s 2 examples, missing bolt for drivers side headlight assembly, and oil leaking from bolts atop the oil filter.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Manufacturing defects should be covered by the warranty. The missing bolt should be an easy replacement but I'm not sure about the cause for the oil leak. Is it possible that it is actually coming from the filter because it isn't tight and accumulating on the bolt? Is the oil level down?


This is why I’ve switched to Japanese cars. I’ve had nothing but great results with my Acura TL(had for 12 years) and now a Lexus IS350 FSport. My wife insists on having Fords so “happy wife-happy life “. Although she has had 6 Fords in the past 35 years and no major problems just a lot of annoying little things. My Acura was never in the shop as I did my own maintenance but now that I’m older I’ll leave the maintenance on the Lexus to the pros.

Yes, very disappointed- my first New Ford - always Chevy before.
Especially disappointing since we pay these ridiculous high prices, QC should be impeccable.

Toyota next time. My wife also insisted on the Explorer so, perfectly understand “happy wife-happy life “.

Yes, very disappointed- my first New Ford - always Chevy before.
Especially disappointing since we pay these ridiculous high prices, QC should be impeccable.

Hahaha, sorry but the QC at CAP is absolutely atrocious. They're a running joke throughout Ford, apparently. It's terribly disappointing, but I still love my Explorer. Can smoke a few hillbilly hot rods if I need to.

Oil filter adapter gasket covered by the warranty. The gasket was half folded inside the adapter not sealing a thing. Regarding QC a joke - I just watched a dozen video posts of the guys partying or stoned and dancing on the assembly line, Ford doesn’t care? Hope nothing else goes wrong.


Oil filter adapter gasket covered by the warranty. The gasket was half folded inside the adapter not sealing a thing. Regarding QC a joke - I just watched a dozen video posts of the guys partying or stoned and dancing on the assembly line, Ford doesn’t care? Hope nothing else goes wrong.

View attachment 169774

Ford cares but the Union will not allow them to fire the people that need to be fired.

That's one of the many things I like about Toyota. My son works at the Gtown plant. There's no union. If you're a screw up or just down right deserve to be fired, your ass is fired.

I also share the same sentiment.
Ford pumps these vehicles out way too quickly and needs a larger QC department.

Finally getting around to some updates. Oil started leaking from the oil filter adapter within 2 days of changing the gasket. Dealer replaced the entire oil filter adapter, no leaks. They think it was warped.


When I checked the oil filter for leaks, I saw 2 drips coming of the bottom of the engine, traced it up the back side to the front engine cover. Dealer had to replace the front cover gasket compound. Seemed to be leaking at the head and block joint. I've seen other postings with same photos. Remember, mine is a 2018 with 4000 miles on it now.




After the front engine cover leak was fixed, they pressure washed the engine compartment, looks new. But now I have exhaust smell on hard acceleration. My 2018 already came with the recirc software update and I looked all over the underside and firewall so see if some seal or tape was missing or torn, (maybe from pressure washing). Called dealer, they said maybe smell from the new gasket material, give it some more time (??). Drove it for 800 miles, smell never went away. Kept thinking about why did it start after the repair, I never had any smell before. Finally one night I thought of checking the oil level. Sure enough overfilled. Drained 1/2 quart out, now normal fill line, and no more exhaust smell in the cabin. I won't say it....

I've got 15k miles on it now and still leaks oil and exhaust smell. Dealer says exhaust smell is known issue with no fix. The persistent oil leak seems to come from between the head and block, see photos, wet behind the alternator and oil seems to burn off just under the exhaust manifold.

I've got 15k miles on it now and still leaks oil and exhaust smell. Dealer says exhaust smell is known issue with no fix. The persistent oil leak seems to come from between the head and block, see photos, wet behind the alternator and oil seems to burn off just under the exhaust manifold. View attachment 316463View attachment 316464
Dealer says its road grime (?)

Is your oil level dropping?

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Nope, looks like it stays exactly the same. Oil leakage looks to be minimal, 20-30mLs maybe
I don't see the leak. Are you sure you not making something out of nothing? I'm pretty picky about my stuff, but you seem dead set on not being happy in this situation.....
