255/70/15 vs. 235/75/15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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255/70/15 vs. 235/75/15

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I opted to put 255/70 on my truck a year ago and love them...fills in the wheel well a lot better and gives it a wider looking stance...you won't have any problems or negative side affects.

Specifically it is .2" larger in diameter and .7" wider. The diameter is not enough to notice. The difference in tire brands and how accurate their size is, probably has more to do with what difference your eyeball calibration is noticing.

A brand that measures different and has larger sizes even though stamped the same would certainly look larger when a new one was put on right after a worn old smaller brand was removed. And wider tires LOOK bigger even though they are the same diameter. You are probably seeing any one or a combination of several of these differences to notice a change.

I have been researching the tire sizes that you had put on your explorer. OD is almost identical.
I have a question about 255/75R15. Will the added OD screw up the steering geometry?

i got 255/70/15 and they're fine...just got em balanced and they were ready to go...i'm not sure if that answered your question or not..but what the heck :D

Try the following site for a visual before and after of tire dimensions. It also shows how accurate your speedometer will be after the change.


Keep in mind this assume's your speedometer was accurate before.
