2nd Gen Front Skid Plate, TurboExplorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen Front Skid Plate, TurboExplorer


Elite Explorer
August 23, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Eagle Mountain, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
98' XLT 5.0L 4X4
So I started and finished my front skid plate on Friday. It turned out awesome. I used 1/8" plate, 1/4" plate for mounting, and 1 1/2" round tube for the brackets I guess you would call them. It is being powder coated the same as my sliders tomorrow on Monday so will get some final install pics of it then.

1/4" plate for mounting to the frame.


1 1/2" Tube steel for brackets

Bent tube for main braces

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All tube notched, cut and bent, tacked in place.

Now attached to truck to make sure everything is straight and in order. Also needed them on the truck for the next step.




Best part to is using the already existing holes in the frame to bolt this skid plate on! :)

Had to use a floor jack and the weight of the rig to get that plate to bend. Almost took the full weight of the front of the V8 truck to get it to. Look at how much weight is off the suspension.

I tack welded it as I bent it along the tubes.


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Now had to mark the place I wanted to notch out so that my oil filter is still easily changeable.



I Love the curve at the front I think it adds a lot to the look of the skid plate.



Now to fire up the plasma torch and cut away the extra at the end of the skid plat and the notch for the oil filter access.



All ground up and real pretty and ready for the powder coat! Hammertone black just like I used on my sliders.



And it is done! All in all spent about 5 hours on it. Not to bad for a day's quick work!





Let me know what you think of it!!

I REALLY like this, nice work man!

Pretty cool. I was thinking about doing something similar but with a bolt-on aluminum skidplate, and having it come down to the crossmember. I need something bad as i have already dented my radiator, ac condenser, and power steering cooler.

Pretty cool. I was thinking about doing something similar but with a bolt-on aluminum skidplate, and having it come down to the crossmember. I need something bad as i have already dented my radiator, ac condenser, and power steering cooler.

That's why I made this one. I ran a run a few weeks ago and slipped off a rock and smashed my 2 week old $200 radiator. :) wont have any problems with this one I can guarantee I wont have that problem anymore. Also this is way light to. I will weigh it but I bet its under 20 lbs easy. I can lift the truck all the way off the ground with the jack in the middle of it and it has no problem holding the weight!

I would be more than willing to make a flat shippable kit where everything is cut bent and notched so all anyone would have to do is weld them up. If people are interested I can do that. All you would have to do is take of the front bumper fascia and the plastic that they have under the radiator off, and they bolt right in place with clearance for radiator and transmission cooler lines. Strong and light. And really doesn't hang down at all.

I would be more than willing to make a flat shippable kit where everything is cut bent and notched so all anyone would have to do is weld them up. If people are interested I can do that. All you would have to do is take of the front bumper fascia and the plastic that they have under the radiator off, and they bolt right in place with clearance for radiator and transmission cooler lines. Strong and light. And really doesn't hang down at all.

No kidding? What kinda price we talking here?

I haven't really thought about it. I will look into my cost of what it would take to make it, steel, time, tools, etc. Wondering what it would be worth to people? Anyone have any throw outs on what they would pay for a cut, bent, weld it yourself kit? Would sure be nice though no one really makes much for the second gens. It would include the oil filter notch cut out for sure as well.

That is awesome, im deff. gonna subscribe and see what you eventually ask for them. I would love to buy one (If your price is in my range, I have a pretty nice list of mods for the spring and would love adding this to it:D)

If the price is right i may have to do this! i have been scared imma get a stick or something jammed in the radiator and stuff down there!!

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Well it got powder coated today and turned out great! Had to do some things for the wife so didn't end up getting it on the truck but here are some pics of it all pretty.




Look at post #21 for details on buying one.
