2nd Gen wheel bearing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen wheel bearing

November 28, 2017
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2001FordExplorer EB
Can a wheel bearing make the explorer feel like it has a warped roter? The reason i dont beleive its a rotor is because i dont feel it in steering wheel or brake pedal it just hops

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Could be, do you feel it in the front or in the rear? Not feeling anything in the steering wheel leans me toward rear wheel wobble, which could be a bent axle shaft.

Are you tires in good balance? When is the last time you had them balanced? wheel weights can sometimes fall off

Thread moved to the stock 1995-2001 explorer sub forum.

Could be, do you feel it in the front or in the rear? Not feeling anything in the steering wheel leans me toward rear wheel wobble, which could be a bent axle shaft.

Are you tires in good balance? When is the last time you had them balanced? wheel weights can sometimes fall off

Thread moved to the stock 1995-2001 explorer sub forum.

My tires are balanced and all wheel weights are there. I jacked up the truck and i could wobble the front passenger wheel. i beleive thats the bearing right? What i feel is that im going 45 mph and then when i have to stop at a red light as im slowing down and the wheel spins i feel a very uncomfortable hop i checked tire and it looks good no bulges so im guessing the wheel bearing is bad and while im slowing down the wheel shakes and moves and feels like a warped rotor

Sounds like the front wheel bearings. There should be no wobble. 2WD or 4x4? I'm assuming 2WD. If the bearings are really bad it can effect braking and the spindle can get ruined. At a minimum you'll need inner and outer wheel bearings with races, front wheel seals, disc brake wheel bearing grease, and new cotter pins. Do both sides, not just one.

Sounds like the front wheel bearings. There should be no wobble. 2WD or 4x4? I'm assuming 2WD. If the bearings are really bad it can effect braking and the spindle can get ruined. At a minimum you'll need inner and outer wheel bearings with races, front wheel seals, disc brake wheel bearing grease, and new cotter pins. Do both sides, not just one.

Yes its a 2001 eddie bauer 2wd looks exactly like yours on the pic. thank you for responding. i just ordered up the bearings for both sides along with the races and the seals. I also Made sure that i didnt get chinese bearings gonna install on friday and ill keep you posted thanks again

Yes its a 2001 eddie bauer 2wd looks exactly like yours on the pic. thank you for responding. i just ordered up the bearings for both sides along with the races and the seals. I also Made sure that i didnt get chinese bearings gonna install on friday and ill keep you posted thanks again

The bearings typically come with new races. Have you ever installed new front bearings (or rotors) on a 2WD? You need to make sure you know how much to tighten the spindle nut. Also, after you remove the wobbling rotor, examine the spindle for damage.

The bearings typically come with new races. Have you ever installed new front bearings (or rotors) on a 2WD? You need to make sure you know how much to tighten the spindle nut. Also, after you remove the wobbling rotor, examine the spindle for damage.

Yes i have changed rotors on my older explorer. it was a 97 xlt ohv 2wd i made the mistake of over tightening it the first time i did the rotors and the wheel would not move at all. my dad then told me to loosen the nut abit while spinning the rotor untill it just spins smoothly. but i dont have a torque wrench so im gonna go by feel this time aswell. i also dont have tool for removal or install of races and this is gonna be the first time i actually remove the races and install new ones. im planning on carfully hammering old ones out and using old races to push new ones in you think that would work?

If the rotors are an unknown age, it's simplest and best to just replace the rotors if the bearing race in it looks rough. The races rarely go bad, usually it takes driving with a bad or loose bearing for a while, to damage the race. Basically I replace a front rotor when either the brake or bearing surface looks bad, that's simple and they don't cost much anyway.

If you're not replacing the rotors, I hammer the old races out using a drift (I've also knocked them out and installed the new ones with a 3/8's ratchet extension in a pinch). I don't believe in reusing the old races, especially if the bearings are well past it, which yours are. The easiest way to install the races is to borrow a bearing/seal installer kit from a local auto parts store. I like to leave the races in the freezer overnight to shrink them a tiny bit. You'll be able to feel/hear when they're fully seated in the rotor.

I look at it this way... If using the old races was a good idea, then why do new bearings come with new races? If it was usually okay to reuse the old race I'd think they'd sell them separately.

Bearing Race/Seal driver kit:

If you're not replacing the rotors, I hammer the old races out using a drift (I've also knocked them out and installed the new ones with a 3/8's ratchet extension in a pinch). I don't believe in reusing the old races, especially if the bearings are well past it, which yours are. The easiest way to install the races is to borrow a bearing/seal installer kit from a local auto parts store. I like to leave the races in the freezer overnight to shrink them a tiny bit. You'll be able to feel/hear when they're fully seated in the rotor.

I look at it this way... If using the old races was a good idea, then why do new bearings come with new races? If it was usually okay to reuse the old race I'd think they'd sell them separately.

Bearing Race/Seal driver kit:
Thank you for your help. i just installed the bearings and races. everything went smooth
