2nd row middle seat latch on top of seat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd row middle seat latch on top of seat


December 12, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
houston, tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 mountaineer premier
when i bought my mounty it was missing, anyone replace theirs have an idea how much this is gonna set me back, been checking ebay daily trying to find one but no luck so far.... called 2 dealerships and they both said i needed to bring it in so they can see what im talking about.

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Gonna need pics to see what you are talking about.

The seat blent buckle for the middle seat?
Or the baby seat latches?

the latch on the top of the seat to fold it down

I doubt you will find that on ebay unless you buy a whole set of second row seats.

Best bet is to find a local junkyard parting out newer model vehicles and get one there. Other than that, the dealer is your only option

Maybe there is someone here that has one parting out that might be able to help you.

don't feel bad,my handle cracked at the screw and is hanging from the cable. I w:thumbdwn:as still under warranty but service writer told me that it would not be covered since he determined the part was not defective.So in other words I must have broke it.He quoted me $17 for part and a "couple of hours" for labor.He stated that cable needs to be disconnected down inside seat and thats the reason for so much labor.I left and I will never be back.

I took the middle seat out of my Explorer to create two buckets in the middle row. I will sell you the whole seat. It would probably be expensive to ship it though.
