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2wd for trail rig


New Member
April 2, 2019
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Huntsville, Tx
City, State
Huntsville, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT
Hello everyone, new to the forum and I bought my first X last month. It's a 02 2wd with the 4.0sohc, originally bought it just as something bigger to haul my kids in but I'm starting to get ideas.
We like to go on road trips to state parks when we go on adventures, rather in state (Texas) or where ever. We've gone to Kansas and Colorado in a wekends time just because we felt like it. Having always been in a car we never thought of more remote areas. For instance when we went to Big Bend out west, we stuck to the basin camping area where the main road goes. Didn't want to go out on the unpaved roads in my wife's towncar but having watched vidoes of the trails there I think the X would be ok.
I was thinking of 4.10 gears with a Aussie, BTF spacer lift and running a tire similar to Wildpeaks should handle most of the trails we would encounter, nothing like rock crawling in Moab or a deep mud pit. Figure that set up with some common sense would make a fair camping rig. Only other SUV I'v owned was a 95 Yukon 4x4 so I don't feel right comparing the two platforms. Any advice would be appreciated :)

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2wd with a truetrac or locker would definitely be better than 2wd and open diff. I would personally get a 4wd version but if you are set on what you have then a regear to 4.10, larger tires, and the traction device sound like good starts.

Tow hooks on front and rear not a bad idea if you get too ambitious.

I just came from a '97 4x4 Yukon to my Mountaineer. The Yukon was bone stock with a G80 locking rear diff and Firestone a/t tires and was an absolute beast off road. I'm curious how this Mountaineer with AWD will do. Haven't gotten a chance to put it to the test yet. I'm sure it will pale in comparison to the Yukon.
If I were trying to get a 2wd Explorer light-trail ready I'd go for chunkier tires and some sort of limited slip or locking rear diff before a lift. You should have enough ground clearance for light trail riding, traction will be the limiting factor.

It can be done, but it's going to be hard on the transmission.

I was planning on a lunchbox locker, Aussie. Their cheap and easy to install.
As for the trans I've read they have problems that need addressed, has 156xxx miles on it now and it's unknown if it's ever had a replacement or rebuild. To be honest I've been more paranoid about getting a timing chain failer then the trans dieing though.
