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306 and 401 codes?


Active Member
March 21, 2003
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City, State
garden city, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 ranger
a few weeks ago my 96 5.0 started running rough and has the codes come up 306 "cyl 6 missfire" and 401 "egr flow". any idea if this sounds like a syptom of one problem or is it just my luck that 2 things failed at the same time? plugs and wires were changed a few months ago. i really need to figure this out soon! thanks in advance.

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Swapped in some junkyard parts, egr valve, the sensor on top of it, and the other round cap looking sensor. I also took off the end intake peice that the throttle body and egr mount to so I could clean it all out and still runs the same with the engine light on. I unplugged the battery to reset it but after about 5 minutes driving it wad right back on

any help out there? i now have a child on the way and this would be a good family vehicle if i could get this problem solved, ive currently been driving my f150 and thats not gonna cut it for a baby lol

i changed plug and wire and nothing changed. also swapped the coil for one from the junkyard and still nothing

Could be a dead injector-but I'd check compression first.

If the compression checks good, be sure to check the injector signal pathway all the way back to the PCM for a bad connection before replacing an injector.

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