351w in my 94 explorer sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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351w in my 94 explorer sport


Well-Known Member
October 12, 2002
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newaygo michigan
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94 sport
i just picked up a sweet 351w, and as some of you might know i am in the process of swappin a 302, straight axle and spring over. well i came across this engine and decided that i would much rather run this. its a 351 out of an old ford pickup and it has an edelbrock 650 carb, edelbrock intake, headers, and some sort of cam. let me tell ya this thing is CLEAN. i was just curious as if anyone has a 351w in a explorer and what kind of problems i may face? I have a 3 inch bodylift to help with clearance.

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first off a 351 will destroy the d30 the first time you put it into 4wd. it may be to wide of a block but i am not sure. it can be dont but it will take lots of extra work and maybe money

... damn... never thought about the dana 30, i guess ill start lookin for a dana 44 and drive it around in 2 for now. isnt the block the same size on the 351 as a 302?

bump bump anybody got some knowlege to share?

Yes the block is the same size, just a bit taller than the 302, same motor mounts and tranny used for 302 and 351

from what i understand the main clearance issue is around the AC. i *think the body lift resolves this issue. yes, it will use the same motor mounts as the 302. the 351 block deck is taller and thus wider as pictured below...


  • windsor.jpg
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Great Point, The eveperater coil for the A/C may be an issue.

I remember reading a thread last year that said the 351 modified will work but you'd have to do some mods to get the reg 351w to fit. sorry cant help anymore! good luck

AC will not be a problem, because i am not running ac. My dad is in charge of getting rid of all that, i tore it out and he is putting a heater in. I think he said somthing about using a heater from and older ranger that didnt have air? if there are any?

in what ways is a 351 better than a 302?

For all the work involved I would of grabbed a EFi 302 out of a Mustang/T-bird etc. I think it's a much lower maintenance setup. And there's a lot more conversion parts/ and knowledge on the subject. And if you do any serious offroading it will perform much better. But good luck with the 351 I will be following along.

Originally posted by umin18
in what ways is a 351 better than a 302?

There is no replacement for displacement

the reason i am planning on running the 351 is

1) it already got a cam, intake, and 650 edelbrock, new plug wires and it is really clean

2) the 302 i was going to use was also carburated.

3) i am positive the 351 is a good runner

thats about it, also i dont have the money for a EFI engine, im only 17 and jobless. i got the 351 on trade so it really didnt cost me anything. And i guess i kind of want to do it because it will be a little more unique, ive only heard of one, maybe 2 other guys with a 351 in a first gen.
