3rd Gen Explorer on 35's! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd Gen Explorer on 35's!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
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Lake View Terrace, CA
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'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Check this out!:eek:

I saw this in my July Issue of 4wheel & OR.

Here's more info...

Anyone who thinks the third generation Ford Explorer has gone a little soft around the edges with its fully independent suspension and luxurious interior appointments certainly hasn't talked to veteran off-road racer Scott Douglas. Douglas, driving a production Ford Explorer in the Best In The Desert Pure-Stock Production Mini or Mid-Size Sport Utility Vehicle class (3100) finished the brutal Parker 425 nearly 50-minutes ahead of his nearest competitor. Perhaps more astounding, the Ford Rancho Suspension Explorer was the 27th vehicle overall to cross the finish line beating many of the more exotic full-race vehicles.

"Parker is notoriously hard on equipment" explained Douglas. "It's a mixture of high-speed graded roads, deep-silty sand washes, and incredibly rough desert terrain that conspires to tear vehicles apart." The Parker 425 had a sizeable attrition rate as the unforgiving desert claimed competitor after competitor. Douglas continued "I pushed the Rancho Explorer hard right from the green flag. There were at least 15-Cherokees entered in the JeepSpeed class starting ahead of us and the plan was to pass the Jeeps early on the high speed sections so we wouldn't be stuck behind them on the more technical parts of the course. I ran right on the ragged edge on the graded road section and was able to pick my way through the field."

Class 3100 Pure-Stock rules dictate that front and rear suspension components must remain stock. "The shocks are the only component we can really work with. Our long-standing relationship with Rancho provides a wealth of knowledge about getting the shocks right." said Douglas. Big-bore 3-inch i.d. DMS Rancho prototype race shocks built by crew chief Ted Kendall, owner of Kendall Engineering in Lakeside, CA, provide the necessary rebound and damping control. "We run huge 35-inch BFGoodrich race TAs on the Rancho Explorer and the additional wheel and tire mass puts loads and stress on the suspension it was never intended to handle. "

Douglas Motorsports provides feedback to the Ford Explorer platform engineering team, testing the limits and ruggedness of the fully-independent suspension. "I must say, the Explorer has surprised everyone involved with just how much abuse it can take. Though there were a few teething problems last year, this truck has finished every mile of every race it was entered in…I guess that's what they mean by Ford Tough" Douglas commented.

Those big BFGoodrich tires also deliver incredible bite that loads the stock drivetrain beyond design limits. "We run all stock Explorer components in the drivetrain and the failure rate is incredibly low. The setup on our stock differentials is handled by the crew at Reider Racing and Precision Gear - their expertise is a huge factor in our success rate with the drivetrain" stated Douglas.

Scott Douglas and co-driver Jeremy Runyen were also thrilled with the performance of the MasterCraft race seats since Class 3100 is a stock production class limited to nine inches of wheel travel. After 11-hours, 31-minutes, and 39-seconds of pounding on the race course the Ford Rancho Explorer team was ready for more.

With a win in the first race of the season under his belt, Scott Douglas now leads the Class 3100 by five points. Parker marked the 52nd career win for off-road champ Douglas. After the race Douglas commented "The Parker 425 win told us that we have the Ford Rancho Explorer well sorted out. Everyone on the Douglas Motorsports team is focused on a Best In The Desert championship in 2004". The next race on the 2004 BITD schedule is the Terrible's Town 250 - The richest off-road race in Nevada - April 23 - 25, 2004. For the latest information on Douglas Motorsports and links to sponsor websites, log on to: www.douglasmotorsports.com

Very nice! :burnout:

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Sweet! Built Ford tough baby.

And they say 3rd Gens are crap off road. I shall think not! Just needs bigger tires :D

Isnt that the Explorer that Rick got a few up close pics of???

guessing there was a little bit of trimming going on there, lol, with stock suspension except shocks, really impressed though, didnt think the 3rd gen had it in them, guess me and others are proven wrong, thanks for the post, i won't shy away from them so much now, when it comes time to get a newer X



Yeap same truck! ;)

Those arent Ricks pics, they are some pics I took from the website you posted:)



The only bad part is a 3rd generation owner most likely won't come here! He'll have a truck that needs no modifications! :(

Gentleman I have a 3rd generation 03 xlt 4x4, the only problem is that none of the lift kits are available to the public yet! I have been waiting a long time now, KW sus has not released there coil overs for a 2.5 inch lift and the picture you see of Scott Douglas's with those monster 35 inch tires, those shocks are rancho prototype and the public can't get'em.

Thats sweet! An there is no trimming!

You can get the 2.5" lift from EE already cant you?

I do not know EE, get me some info and I will find out some info from them!
Aim Industries can make a coil over with no problem but they tell me the ride will be a
lot softer from the stock coil overs so the Ex will travel farther so you have to be carefull on the size of tires you put on there
I take that back I do know EE and I have talked with them and they too do not have the new coil overs, EE will be getting them from KW suspension since they KW is the manufacturer

Guess that shuts my mouth lol. I'm curious how they stuffed those tires in there....

pretty cool

CodePoet said:
Guess that shuts my mouth lol. I'm curious how they stuffed those tires in there....

pretty cool
on which Explorer???

Sorry abut that those 35's fit very nicely, but remember that vehicle has rancho prototype coil overs which have a 2.5 inch lift then there is also a body lift on that explorer and a lot of fender trimming. all these things are on douglas motor sports, but none of these little goodies are available to the public, I have been in contact with Douglas Motor Sports, and they are'nt giving up there secretes! :nono:

I did feel that my dad's 02 Explorer was a lot more of a Luxury SUV than an off road vehicle, while mine definately feels like a pickup truck. I still like to drive his more though..V8s are fun.

Good to see Ford using those quality components. Hopefully this will help people see that explorers are not becoming soccer mom cars.

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ah i understand now...i didn't know the shocks provided lift haha :D I also didn't realize it had a body lift. I was confused by this line in the original post: "Class 3100 Pure-Stock rules dictate that front and rear suspension components must remain stock." I thought that included the shocks...

cp :)
