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Looks good but would look better with more lift IMO. Throw another 3" BL on it :thumbsup:

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Gave the Ex a little bath today

I'm just going to leave this here...


In the pic the pin stripes don't seem to match between the body and hatch. Obviously a optical illusion.

The actual hatch isn't even on the truck yet. Truck is still in pieces.


LED interior and puddle lights


Mountaineer gauges


Double DIN Pioneer radio

Also has 6000k HID headlights but I don't have a picture of that at the moment. I need some ideas for other things I can do to it lol

Also has 6000k HID headlights but I don't have a picture of that at the moment. I need some ideas for other things I can do to it lol

Tinted tail lights, black housing headlights, billet grilles. Just to name a few.



Took the explorer out for some "exploring" today

Well she's finally back in my possession! Enough talking...


Added some EB 17" wheels I found on ebay for cheap, and some HW crap tires for now. It rides much better.


Mounted my Brushguard today :)

Just put the Brushguard on my 05 Eddie Bauer. Hopefully going to add 2 offroad lights to the middle of the bar and a roof rack set of 4 lights, working on getting 4 all terrain tires as well. Sorry if the picture is big, the original resolution was like 5000x3000 haha


Looks good! Which grille guard is that and what do you think of it? Price and source?

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its a truxx 2.5 front, 1.75 back with a 3in body lift and 35x12.50x17

Keep an eye on those upper ball joints. my Moogs went out at around 10k miles from running 35s



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