3rd generation Bumper registry | Page 23 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd generation Bumper registry

I wanna replace that panel before it cracks... The blackout will happen in a day or so. Let's see how you do with the replacement, if you do it. I'll blackout mine so I don't get my clock cleaned by traffic like last time - sheesh.

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Update... more in the morning.

hmmm... need those rear caps back on. I forgot to upload pics... anyways, first coat on skid plate - no bling.


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Donner i totally love the look! I really like the new bumpers.. especially blacked out.. but i like the contrast of the shiny wheels too!!

GREAT JOB! Takes some guts to go and cut something that nice up!

Thank you! I'm working on finishing the rear and the interior, but a few snags have on hold for a bit...

Donner - how solid is the standard metal rear bar? I'm thinking of making a spare wheel carrier that swings away to give access to the tailgate, and I'd mount it on the metal part of the rear bar, but only if the rear bas is mounted fairly solidly to the chassis rails.

Hey Donner!! The Ex is looking great!!! I pick up my '05 today and you're giving me ideas!!


Donner - how solid is the standard metal rear bar? I'm thinking of making a spare wheel carrier that swings away to give access to the tailgate, and I'd mount it on the metal part of the rear bar, but only if the rear bas is mounted fairly solidly to the chassis rails.

Hey Donner!! The Ex is looking great!!! I pick up my '05 today and you're giving me ideas!!

JCUZ, I wouldn't put a spare carrier on there... that's very strong, but you would certainly need additional support under the bumper and frame... but you can stand on it. It holds weight, just, for me I wouldn't attach a carrier to it as is... :)

Cozmik, I've been working on my son's Ex, but he won't let it sit long enough to take a pic...:rolleyes: Then he comes home at night, too dark for pics...

Thanks Donner - think I'll remove the rear bar cover this weekend and have a look at the best way of mounting to the chassis etc.

I'm planning on placing a rotor with studs at an angle in the cargo area - or do the reverse tire carrier (bring the cable and hook up through the floor)

CB antenna update...

4 foot retractable... (needs to be grounded tho)


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what the heck is that wire hanging out of the antenna ??
is it lighted too ??

How many CB antennas do you have now? :)


what the heck is that wire hanging out of the antenna ??
is it lighted too ??

How many CB antennas do you have now? :)

That's the ground wire... It's actually longer than that, but got cut - it's back to normal length now. Only two antennas - I had to place them where I couldn't break them - so I have extras in the vehicle just in case :)

I'll get a straight on pic in the A.M.

Got my rear bumper off today. The plastic cover seems easy to get off, but I broke one plastic locator on the left hand side. Oh well.

Took the rear metal bar off, and bolted and welded the bottom static part of the swinging wheel carrier. Just need to weld on an end plate and the hinge and maybe a bracket to locate the swing arm, and I'll put it all back on the truck, then I can work on the swing arm separately.

The rear bar with tow bar included is actually pretty good. It's 3mmm thick steel, which is what the 4WD shop and the steel supplier both recommended for a tyre carrier. I've welded it, but also bolted as I don't totally trust my pigeon-poo welding technique (I get the odd great weld, but lots of it looks like crap!). Will post pics up tomorrow night Oz time (early Sunday Morning US time).

Ah, you've opted for the external carrier... This will be interesting to see.

Will post pics up tomorrow night Oz time (early Sunday Morning US time).

It's only Saturday for us. ;) But can't wait to see it.

Ah, you've opted for the external carrier... This will be interesting to see.

Yep; I wanted to be able to tow as well as carry a spare wheel, and using the back cargo area is no good with 2 adults and 3 kids, there's no room for luggage and kids toys and stuff, and can't use the roof rack as I'm not young any more, so getting the tyre down would be a pain, plus we use a Pod Luggage carrier up there anyway. So a swingarm carrier was really the only choice; plus it's the option that means I get to weld more!!!

Here's the work I've done so far.


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Nice! For carrying a full size spare? I typically roll alone... :( Everybody does their own thing now. (I gotta take off, be back later)
