4.0 Explorer Sport Exaust question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 Explorer Sport Exaust question


January 10, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Romeo, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
Im looking for a muffler that when i add it on to my 4.0v6 1999' X Sport, it sounds like it is a v8. I dont want it to sound like a rice burrner but i still want the sound to be loud and deep. i have single exaust.

Any recomendations??

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I agree, You can get a nice deep tone, but it's not the same. I would get a nice free flowing muffler and leave it single exhaust. Summitracing.com has a nice cat-back kit for a great price.

welcome i personally like flowmasters

i have a flowmaster 40 with 2.5 piping from the cat converter single in and dual out and i had the dual out made into a y flowing back into a 2.5 to a 3 inch tip angle downwards out the back...i get compliments all the time on having the best v6 sound around here did the same thisng with duals on my v6 mustang and i trick people all the time

sportboy u got clip of ur flowmaster cause i got dual flowmasters on my 01 sport as well i also have the 40 series.

no i dont have duals i was talking about the type of muffle i have single inlet dual outlet...i didnt put duals on due to the gas line and electrical lines on the left side of the hevicle heat gas and spark isnt a good combination i have a single muffler but i can get a clip on soon possibly i have to find my digital camera

I have seen and herd a 4.0 v6 98'-00' X sport that sounded like a v8. I herd it coming a ways away and i thought it was my friends dodge 2500 with flows. I asked the guy (whos sport looked just like mine) if his was a v8 explorer. He told me no and that he had flowmasters on it. I should have asked what kind of flows they were but i did not think of the question at the time. So if you say that its impossible to make a v6 sound like a v, what is the closest sounding muffler i can add.

Most mufflers will sound alright at idle and lower rpm, but get higher pitched and "V6 sounding" around 3000rpm and up. Haven't heard any V6 that still sounded like a V8 when you wind it out.

im fine with that. what would be a good muffler to use for that effect?

Also. Silver do you have a pic of your sport?

Nothing recent with the 33" Nittos on it. Here's the best I can do (from 8/06 with 32" Dueler Revos):


As far as what muffler to recommend for deep and somewhat loud...probably a Dynomax super turbo or Flowmaster 40 series.

My Gibson cat-back sounds nice and low at idle, but not at all loud. Fine for me, but not the deep rumble most people are after. I think the Volant cold air intake made more difference in sound than my exhaust did. I bought the Gibson because its stainless steel and will last a long time even with our salty Winters.

alright thanks for the help

also does the volant cold air intake increase gas milage at all or does it just improve HP?

As far as what muffler to recommend for deep and somewhat loud...probably a Dynomax super turbo or Flowmaster 40 series.

My Gibson cat-back sounds nice and low at idle, but not at all loud. Fine for me, but not the deep rumble most people are after. I think the Volant cold air intake made more difference in sound than my exhaust did. I bought the Gibson because its stainless steel and will last a long time even with our salty Winters.

The super turbos are no where as loud as the Flowmaster 40 series. I had the flowmaster original 40 series, offroad Y pipe (no cats) all 2.5" piping from the manifolds to the rear. This setup got really loud and deep below 3k rpms. I got compliments on it all the time. I replaced it after a state trooper decided to ticket me. I now have a super turbo which is quiet til you get on it. Search youtube for 4.0 flowmaster explorer and youll see my videos. I cant post links because IM at work

Nocturnal and sportboy, what kind of flows did/do you have? Super 40? Original 40? American Thunder 40? Delta Flow 40? There are so many 40 series flowmasters out there and they all sound different. Its crazyness

If you check the Modified 95-01 forum, there will be a sticky at the top of the page with sound clips. I had a 98 OHV with the Cherry Bomb pro muffler and that was the best sound I have ever gotten from my truck. There are sound clips in there of my truck.

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alright thanks for the help

also does the volant cold air intake increase gas milage at all or does it just improve HP?

Anything you do to free up restrictions should increase gas mileage and performance. Some things help more than others.

I didnt see much increase in mileage due to my driving habits, larger/heavier tires, and some transmission problems. The torque converter doesn't lock up and it has a 3000+ rpm stall speed. The trans died recently (again), so the truck is sitting until I get around to replacing the trans. Hopefully everything will be better with a new trans and torque converter.
