4:56 vs 4:88 Gears. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4:56 vs 4:88 Gears.


Well-Known Member
June 23, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Keizer OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Ford Explorer XLS
Right now I'm running 33" x 9.5's. I have been running the stock gears in my 92 xls 4 x 4, not sure what size gears I'm running right now...is there an easy way to check?

Anyway, it really doesn't matter, the fact is I need lower gears. The fact shes a manual transmission has helped, but I'm going to be pulling around a boat this summer, so the stock just won't do.

I plan on putting 35's underneath her when the 33's wear out, but I've got some time till that happens.

Will I notice a significant difference in gas mileage between 4:56's and 4:88's?

Also, is there a way to find out if I got standard or reverse rotation in that stock axle? The owners manual doesn't tell me anything....


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I think 4.56's would be plenty of gear even with 35's for street use. Only reason to go lower would be if you were more concerned about off-road gearing. But it seems like you need to have good on road performance so those gears would be good for that. You could go the 4.88's, and have a little more torque, but likely lost a little bit of mileage on the highway.

The rear axle is standard rotation, and I believe the front axle is reverse rotation. Someone else should confirm that though.

On a side note, your 92 would be an xlt, not an xls. The xls trim level was on later models.

Edit: Here's a good link for gear ratios...

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Thanks for the advise.

Yeah this is my sole means of transportation, so for now it's my weekend toy and my daily commuter, so gas mileage is a concern.

You may be right conerning the rigs designation. I have always somewhat doubted it myself even though all the decals and references to the model call it a "XLS Sport." Which is strange considering it has four doors. Although I am yet to come across a vehicle that is quite the same. Manual Transmission, pretty much manual everything, doors, locks. No cupholders, chrome trim on the wheel wells and racks. Then again, maybe I haven't come across enough explorers....

Anyway, it really doesn't matter, the fact is I need lower gears. The fact shes a manual transmission has helped
An automatic transmission by nature (due to the torque converter) will ususually put out at least 1.8 times more torque in most cases than what its receiving from the engine off the start where as a manual transmission's clutch can only achieve 1 to 1 ratio. And although automatic transmissions usually have numerically lower first gear ratio, torque multiplication will usually outweigh this disadvantage.

Having said all that, I would go with 4.88s as 4.56s are usually for 33" tires.

3.27 with 33's!! Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhzzz

seriously go with 4.88, skip right past the 4.56 and go 4.88

I can't even stand 3.27s with 235s...

Go with 4.88s for 35s.

3.27 with 33's!! Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhzzz

seriously go with 4.88, skip right past the 4.56 and go 4.88

I agree. Going to 4:88s may even be better for fuel economy because you won't need to feed in as much throttle to get it moving.

I think 4.56's would be plenty of gear even with 35's for street use. Only reason to go lower would be if you were more concerned about off-road gearing. But it seems like you need to have good on road performance so those gears would be good for that. You could go the 4.88's, and have a little more torque, but likely lost a little bit of mileage on the highway.

The rear axle is standard rotation, and I believe the front axle is reverse rotation. Someone else should confirm that though.

On a side note, your 92 would be an xlt, not an xls. The xls trim level was on later models.

Edit: Here's a good link for gear ratios...

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All axles rotate in the same direction. The front is a high pinion D35, so it is a reverse cut gear.

There is always alot of confusion on this topic

All axles rotate in the same direction. The front is a high pinion D35, so it is a reverse cut gear.

There is always alot of confusion on this topic

I meant reverse cut, my bad. I know what I was trying to say, just got my terms mixed up. Thank you for the correction though.

Thanks to all, this has been helpful. I have read people say the automatics put out more "horsepower" than the manual X's. Is there something to that or is it simply as you said "An automatic transmission by nature (due to the torque converter) will ususually put out at least 1.8 times more torque?"

The auto simply multiplies the torque better. That's all. In reality you lose horsepower through an auto since it is not a direct mechanical connection. And it takes a little bit to drive the fluid pump inside as well.
