4 Door leafs instead of mono... HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4 Door leafs instead of mono... HELP


December 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Eastern Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 2Dr Sport
ok.. i have access to 4 door leaf springs, i have a 2 door sport with mono leafs. What will the 4 door leafs do for me? I want to run 31x10.50's and would like to clear the tires decently. How hard is this swap to do? What do i need?

Also... what other parts can i take off a 4 door that would improve the 2 door?

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Its an easy swap, just unbolt one set spring at a time and install it. Benefits? I got a better ride, was firmer, but better, better load carrying and is easier to lift.


Im assuming you would not get as much axle wrap with the 4 door leaves, i can feel the axle wrap just taking off hard from a stop in my 98 sport.

I want my articulation though... i would assume the 4 door leafs wouldnt let it articulate as much... but it would allow me to haul a trailer lol...

Im assuming you would not get as much axle wrap with the 4 door leaves, i can feel the axle wrap just taking off hard from a stop in my 98 sport.
what is axle wrap... what does it feel like.. cuz some times when i come off hard from a stop or i go over a speen bump the wrong way i get a funny feeling in the rear.. it almost feels like.... i dont even know how to describe it.. but it makes a clunk or loud bang and the rear just feels funy.. i dunno :(

Axle wrap is when the torque from the wheels tries to spin the axle causing the spring to wrap and go into an almost "s" shape. It is not a good thing and can break the springs given enough force. The clunk and noise your hearing could also be your slip yoke on the driveshaft. It might need to be greased up. As for articulation, for the longest time my shocks were the limiting factor, i fabbed up new lower shock mounts moving the shocks higher up on the axle.


so how do u know if its axle wrap.. is it a distinct noise and feel.. like if it happens will i know it for sure.. or is this something i should concider

Its hard to say sometimes without actually seeing it. It is a possibility that is what you are experiencing. If you have the opportunity to upgrade to the 4 door springs, I would suggest you do it.


Also, check to see if the 4 leaf Ex is leaning towards the driver side. If so, you can swap sides and level yours out.

im not sure if this is what im experiencing.. once the axle wraps does it unwrap.. like is it possible to only feel that way and make noise sometimes if itas axle wrap.. and i dunno imthinking of swapping packs.. not sure yet tho

Swap the leaf packs, the wrap thing I wouldn't even worry about. It's probably the slip yolk or the torsion bar keys making the noise. Just swap the packs, it's easy. Hit the bolts with PB Blaster a couple of days before you are looking to take it apart.

Am I the only lucky one who got the leaf pack from the factory on my sport?

If you have a stock motor and have not modified the rear suspension, you should not have notacible axle wrap. To see it let someone else drive and observe the shape the spring makes under acceleration.

I would also check the spring length, because a Gen I sport has a leaf pack. I am pretty sure that there is little or no difference betwen a 2-door and 4-door spring rate. The 2-door spring is 1,250-pounds on (4000 for vehicle 1000 cargo).

It's definately a positive to swap to a 4pack. I did it to my 99 Sport and it picked it up 2 1/2 inches, it gets rid of that God-awful rear end sag sports have, and the handling is 100% better. Not to mention towing. So much better!

its something to think about.. i have a few other more important things to concider first.. but def an idea thanks guys

Am I the only lucky one who got the leaf pack from the factory on my sport?

They ditched the mono-leaf on the Sport for '00 or '01 ('01 I think). 97-the change all had mono-leafs, and they're soft.

They ditched the mono-leaf on the Sport for '00 or '01 ('01 I think). 97-the change all had mono-leafs, and they're soft.

yep it was 2001

so soft is bad.. and the 4door leaf is not?

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ok if i can get around to it i will thanks
