Drive shafts for bw-4406 manual tc swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drive shafts for bw-4406 manual tc swap

Active Member
September 17, 2018
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City, State
Oceanside, Ca.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT V8 AWD
Will the front driveshaft out of a 99 expedition with a 4.6 work? It has a plates at both ends like picture below no yokes


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Length is correct. The 97-02 Expedition and 97-03 F150 with the 4.6 use the same front shaft. I believe you will need to remove the flange off the front end and replace it with a 1330 to 1310 companion U joint.

Length is correct. The 97-02 Expedition and 97-03 F150 with the 4.6 use the same front shaft. I believe you will need to remove the flange off the front end and replace it with a 1330 to 1310 companion U joint.
What about the yoke, what one should be used?

What about the yoke, what one should be used?
Front yoke doesn't get touched, remove the flange from the short side of the slip joint and use this U Joint, Spicer PN: 5-134X

The rear drive shaft and slip yoke from the same expedition is the other drive shaft you need.

Front yoke doesn't get touched, remove the flange from the short side of the slip joint and use this U Joint, Spicer PN: 5-134X

The rear drive shaft and slip yoke from the same expedition is the other drive shaft you need.
I thought that the rear driveshaft was supposed to be out of a 5.4 expedition not a 4.6.

I thought that the rear driveshaft was supposed to be out of a 5.4 expedition not a 4.6.

I finally have the rear driveshaft; this is supposed to be out of a 2000 expedition 5.6 4x4.


I picked up the bw 4406 transfer case the other day out of a 2000 F150 4.6 with front driveshaft attached. The front shaft is a toothpick compared to the rear. Hopefully all these parts are right. Now to get the u-joint's and a new trans mount then it is time for the install.


I thought that the rear driveshaft was supposed to be out of a 5.4 expedition not a 4.6.
Sorry, I wasn't clear, I meant same model, not an F150. A Navigator of the same year range has it as well
