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427 cobra jet


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March 18, 2003
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I was at a classic car dealer today and they had a shelby cobra, it was very new, i talked to the guy he said it was a real shebly, that they produced 10 of fairly recently. It was signed in a bunch of places by carrol shelby, and came with all types of documentation, as well as pics of carrol with the car. It had a new 427 with a complete vortech supercharger and igloo on it. Looks like it had all modern electronics in it too.

Has anyone seen or heard of such a car? I believe it was real, just didn't know they did it. By the way the dealer is a very reputable place with many other collectables. Maybe i'll take my digi cam over to get some pics.

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Shelby is building the new models here in Vegas. Sweet cars!

My neighbor has a dealership with a Cobra replica, you sure it's not a rep? Or is this maybe the Series 1?

It is most likely (like Ron said) a Shelby built replica of the origional. It is a "new" car built exactly like the origional 427SC.

Oh, okay, now I see. Not sure what model this is supposed to be, the one based on the $500k original. It's like $75k here i think
