4r44e dropped reverse | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4r44e dropped reverse


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June 27, 2006
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Frisco, Tx
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'98 Sport
I put my sport in reverse and backed up about 5 feet heard a crunch and thought I hit something...no I just dropped reverse. It's going into drive and shifting all the way up with no problem. What kit would I need and where would be the best place for pricing, on the net or off.

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Welcome to this forum! If this happened suddenly, and you don't have any problems with low gear, then it might be possible that the shift fork broke in the transfer case. The transmission uses a rear band that controls low, and reverse gears. If you have no problem with low gear, then it can't be the band. This band is applied by the low/reverse servo, which is located under a plate in the bottom of the transmission. You can't get to that servo without dropping the pan. That servo has 2 O-rings, and springs. The valve body channels ATF to apply this servo. If there is an internal problem in the valve body, it will not apply this servo.

Thank you brooklynbay. I don't have problem with low gear, can I fix this without pulling the tranny?

I am thinking that you may have a transfer case problem, not a transmission problem. I cannot fit your version of how and what happened to any "lack of reverse" transmission symptom... especially the "crunch".
