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4r70w fluid questions


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July 14, 2009
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2001 Explorer XLT 5.0
My 4r70w has been starting to shudder going into OD recently. It only shudders shifting up into OD, never at any other shift point. I can make it not shudder by easing out on the throttle before it makes the shift. I'm thinking of performing a trans service with a fluid and filter change as it hasn't been done in 25k miles. Is it okay to use the Lubeguard Highly Friction Modifier with MercV or is that solely for use with MercIII? I'm looking to try to resolve this issue this way first. Anyone have anything to say either way about this? Am I headed in the right direction or should I look at something else?

Here is the product I am referring to,

Also, should I drain the TC or just the trans when I perform this service? How do I drain the TC?

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While I can't answer your question, it would be great if someone else could! My 1999 mountaineer is doing the exact same thing. I was searching "OD shudder" when I found this thread. Any help would be great.

Back from the dead. Good post though.

I'll way in and offer my suggestion. I did do a fluid and filter change on mine and the shudder disappeared completely. It's been probably over 4 months since I did the service and it's been fine. Not a single glitch. If it's been a while since you performed a trans service, you should just do it. I only used MercV fluid and no modifiers FYI. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply. I ended up putting in one 4oz bottle of the XL3 modifier for right nowband it hasn't shuddered sense then. I just got this truck and it has 188,000 on it and I have no idea about the service history, but it shifts sluggish from 1-2 and 3-4 but the 2-3 shift is flawless. So I'm planning on doing the jmod when the weather is nicer, I'll do a flush and change the fluid then. But for now the XL3 seems to be doing the trick.

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Transmission flush is a good idea regardless, now your transmission might be having some issues that might disappear with the oil change but reappear as you use it so it would be a good idea to try to identify whats going on. The flush might help if there are any particles in the oil from debris caused by a part that is about to go.

Now the other question, flushing the transfer case is also easy, there's usually a drain plug and refill plug their quite easy to spot, although it wouldn't be necessary unless you want to replace a stretched chain or something.

Hope it helps!
