4R70W tc not locking up all the time | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4R70W tc not locking up all the time


Well from datalog 2 the trans temp sensor looks to be working. It starts out at a lower temp and goes higher.
You were datalogging TPS counts, they were just TPS absolute counts. Good enough to see that the TPS is working good as well. TPS looks pretty flat when at idle and doesn't seem to have any glitches in it.

The one pid that stands out is UNLOCKED DUE TO SHIFTING. It stays at 1 the whole time. It would make you think that the PCM thinks it is in between shifts all the time. It could just be that PID doesn't work. lol.

I still want to see OSS. Can't wait to see the next datalog.
Dono, did this just start to happen?


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Next log sent.

Most of the pids I added are useless.
I did get converter lockup a couple of times.
Maybe the pcm just thinks there is too much load and wont command lockup. The converter did come out of lockup extremely easy.

Cruise works fine.


Well the "UNLOCKED DUE TO SHIFTING" pid works and that is the one with the issue.
I have no idea what it is though. lol.
Shame SCT doesn't give better definitions.


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I would check with James and see if he can add any insight on that PID,
Especially since you told me in an email that you think it has always been this way.

I will shoot James an email. It can't hurt.
We do know its pcm related, and not mechanical.


Did you ever finish the tuning process before the weather got bad?

not completely. Now with the 347 coming I haven't been too concerned about it being perfect.
I just wish I could remember for certain if my tc stayed locked up more before the modifications.


It just might be that it is turned off in your tune since you did not finish the process. Shift points and TCC lockup schedules could be completed near the end of tuning if they need adjustment.

Either way this was the most fun I had since working on my 4 door transmission, except for the LED's I just put in my instrument cluster.
Weather is getting nice so I plan to be having more fun soon.

Edit: And we both now know that "UNLOCKED DUE TO SHIFTING" flag/PID works on your strategy PCM during datalogging.

I appreciate your help. I think I would still be looking at pids that don't work with absolutely no clue what I'm looking at. It was a great learning experience for me.

I didn't know there was such a thing as tcc lockup schedules in the tuning.

Exactly where I was going.

Before my 347 tuning was completed, this very same thing would occur on my old mounty, until I did a pm reset. I cannot tell you which circumstance led to it not locking, but for some reason it would lock fine, then after a few miles and a downshift or 2, it would stop locking. Final tune solved all issues.

Appreciated. It just seemed that sometimes (for a few days of use) rpms would drop on the hwy nice and low, then it would seem that rpm's would not drop for weeks.

This really made me think that I had a mechanical issue.
With the help of you guys, I was definitely able to confirm this is a pcm thing happening.

Ok, James sent me a modified file to upload.
He said he looked at the last log I did that showed lockup, and then long periods of no lockup on the hwy under no load. All he said was he made a few 'adjustments'.

so? James magic worked. I could tell immediately starting my drive to work this morning. TC locks right up, but will unlock as load increases. I'll log it on the way home just so I can observe operation of it.

Thread closed. I'd fully expect to see a gas mileage increase from here.

Thanks again for the help.
