5.0 engine replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 engine replacement


August 20, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Limited 5.0
I'm looking at a 1999 5.0 Explorer that is having the engine replaced at the moment. What are the differences between Explorer long blocks and regular 5.0's? I don't want to buy it if they put a flat tappet engine in. Is there a way I can tell by looking at it? Thanks

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who is doing the work?

a 99 explorer gets a 98-2001 Explorer GT-40 block only, the other 5.0L's wont fit in a few places like th eexhaust manifolds

The car lot is doing the work. If it has the stock exhaust manifold's on it, I'm assuming that it has the correct Explorer heads still on it. Correct? From what I understand, the exhaust manifold bolt pattern is different from standard 5.0's. As for the block. I was under the impression that the block is physically the same (on the outside) be it roller or flat tappet(old style). I just don't know if these guy's will give me a strait answer. Thanks

The exhaust manifold pattern is the same for any Windsor engine from 260-351.

After reading more on a Mustang site, it seems that the spark plug angle on an Explorer head is diff than the regular 5.0's, making it need different manifolds to clear. I may be able to see that now. Now I have to worry about what is inside the short block.

The exhaust manifold pattern is the same for any Windsor engine from 260-351.
gt-40 heads have a different exhaust bolt pattern--the bolts are moved up about 1/8"

Sorry for the misinformation.

I just don't know if these guy's will give me a strait answer. Thanks

If the car lot bothers you that much there are plenty of explorers to go around...

I hear you on looking past this Explorer. Its just that it is the color, options, ect....... that the wife wants.

Like has been said, pass it up if u r uncertain of these guys and their work........there's always plenty of Explorers around......they all have nearly the same options...get her to like another colored one or something that doesn't need an engine replaced :)

I think I'll keep looking. I've got plenty of time. Thanks.

From what I have read and seen, All windsor blocks are the same from 86-01. The heads, however, is where the difference lies. HO heads are vastly different from GT-40 heads. As mentioned above, spark plug angles, header bolt locations, different valve sizes, different flow rates, etc. Heads are not a part of the block. Flat tappet engines are pre 1986 engines and are getting harder to come by. Flat tappet engines can also be converted to roller tappets fairly easliy. A roller cam, roller lifters, correct size push rods, lifter guides and rocker arms are all that is needed.

And, yes. There are millions of explorers in the world. It's not hard to find an identical one with all the same options. That is why we customze :)

Millions of people cant be wrong :)

I wonder how many 5.0L Ex's they built?

Well, we found another Explorer, same year, same color, also a Limited, and with a good engine. Exactly the same as the other one, only different. Bought it, and the wife is happy. Thanks guys.

weird, never knew the 1/8", I dont think most ever noticed the difference on the fitment either
