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5R55W trans fluid question


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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NW Oregon
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2007 2wd, 2.3, 5spd man
So I know that Mercon V is the correct fluid type. But I'm wondering about all the different labels. In particular, I'm wondering about Parts Master Mercon V which sells for $4.99 a quart here (the cheapest I've found).

I see that Parts Master is licensed to make/distribute Mercon V, but I'm wondering if their fluid is 2nd-rate somehow.

I'd like to hear some experience with Parts Master - good or bad.

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Parts Master looks to be Auto Values house brand, as with all store brands, they are made by a known manufacturer (like Valvoline etc) but aren't the same product as the Name brand.

I will not buy house brand anything (except maybe lubricants/cleaners, like aerosols)

Especially not for my tranny, unless of course you're selling it. Then cheap oil everything.

So I know that Mercon V is the correct fluid type. But I'm wondering about all the different labels. In particular, I'm wondering about Parts Master Mercon V which sells for $4.99 a quart here (the cheapest I've found).

I see that Parts Master is licensed to make/distribute Mercon V, but I'm wondering if their fluid is 2nd-rate somehow.

I'd like to hear some experience with Parts Master - good or bad.

I would not use anything but Motorcraft or Valvoline.

they are made by a known manufacturer (like Valvoline etc) but aren't the same product as the Name brand.

What do you mean by that statement? How is mercon V different than mercon V?

It's just not the same quality. It may break down quicker, or not 'clean' as well etc.

I will let you know in another 45000k kms. I threw motomaster mercon v in mine when I did the fluid and filter a couple weeks ago. I am not easy on the old girl.

Well I looked up the fluid description and found that it is a synthetic blend, just like a dozen other mercon v oils. So it is Ok. Is it the best ? Probably not. Is it good enough for 30,000 mile service interval? Absolutely. It is a licensed, and Ford certified Mercon V transmission fluid.

Why 30K miles? Because I think every automatic transmission needs a pan drop and filter change at 30k.

By the way, the 5R55W does indeed use a filter.

I've never compared Mercon V but I have compared Walmart SuperTech Dex/Merc with Valvoline Dex/Merc. You can literally smell the difference. The Walmart one has nearly no smell while the Valvoline has a extremely strong transmission fluid smell to it.

Mercon is NOT Mercon V!!! Dextron III and Mercon are the SAME. That is why we have DexIII/Mer.

But it is NOT Mercon V!

Mercon is NOT Mercon V!!! Dextron III and Mercon are the SAME. That is why we have DexIII/Mer.

But it is NOT Mercon V!

I think [MENTION=290940]TechGuru[/MENTION] was just illustrating the odor differences between a house and name brand, suggesting that there is chemical difference between the same 'type' of fluid.

I think [MENTION=290940]TechGuru[/MENTION] was just illustrating the odor differences between a house and name brand, suggesting that there is chemical difference between the same 'type' of fluid.

Correct. I'm not going to go buy some Walmart SuperTech Mercon V just to compare the smell to my Valvoline Mercon V.

But as I said before, with the smell differences between SuperTech DexMerc and Valvoline DexMerc I'd imagine it would be the same result for the Mercon V.

If they don't smell the same, they're definitely not the same.

Correct. I'm not going to go buy some Walmart SuperTech Mercon V just to compare the smell to my Valvoline Mercon V.

But as I said before, with the smell differences between SuperTech DexMerc and Valvoline DexMerc I'd imagine it would be the same result for the Mercon V.

If they don't smell the same, they're definitely not the same.

No offense, but that is just about the dumbest way to compare oils. Im not sure what you think your nose is telling you. A better way is to see who the refiner/bottler is, and what other labels they produce. Also, there is a consumer alert website where they test oils for basic standards and put out notices for fraud.

Personally, I think the advice given me by a tranny shop, (Bruce Jenner automotive),is the best - drop the pan and change oil & filter every 30K miles. Then whether or not you use full-synthetic, high-$ oil matters little.
