90 ranger to 94 explorer hub swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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90 ranger to 94 explorer hub swap?


Active Member
January 5, 2005
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City, State
effingham il
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt 4x4
Will the hubs off of my 90 ranger fit my 94 explorer?

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As far as I know nope. The Explorer and Ranger have a different number of splines for the hub.

Actually they might swap. Do you know if your Ranger has a Dana35 front or a Dana28? Your Explorer has a D35 front, and the front hubs will swap from a D35 to a D35. The D28 hubs will work on another D28, but not on a D35. 1990 was the first year the D35 was offered. It came in all Explorers, but only some Rangers.

I second that. I did swap entire front end once from a 91 Ranger onto my 94 "X".

Ok I did a little more research on this myself

if my ranger has ten bolts holding the carrier to the front axle then its a dana 35 and should swap if it has 12 bolts its a 28 and wont swap

that would be correct... I think. ;)

You just have to make sure that both front ends are the same. Parts are not really interchangable.
