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Solved 91-94 MAFS Fix

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Please help. I have no idea if I am in the right spot or not.

I have a 93 4L V6 Ranger. I have known this truck from new, it has never been anything but babied. It looks like new on the outside. Only one small parking lot ding that happened last year. But the problem started a few weeks ago. I took it in to the shop, 650km, 400miles away. I got a rad flush and the fan belt changed.
So anyway, I fueled up at the same type of fuel station I always go to, same type of fuel. Then I got 100km, 60miles down the road and it started to ping, and power out on hills. It would only do this when I would have to shift to fourth. Then it would stay powered out until I would go down hill again. Then it would correct itself some.

So I next town i stopped at a different type of gas station., still a nation wide gas station. Topped up, also added some stuff that Red Line makes to clean out injectors. I always run injector cleaner, but this stuff says it works better. So dumped the bottle in like the bottle said to.
Still running bad. Then after awhile it stopped. Worked fine. Then it started again.
Now it has been fine again, but the weather hasn’t been as warm, and I haven’t had to travel as far.
They did have the mass air sensor off, several times at the shop. The first time I stopped to check to see if it had come off for some reason, it was off. Any ideas where to start looking? It doesn't seem to be retarding on the hills, is the best that I can come up with. So it sounds like a brain problem. Any idea of what could have happened to make this happen?
Of course there is no Ford Dealer in town. Nearest one is 400km, 240miles down. There are a few shops in town but would like to see if there is anything I can track down first. Thanks for your help if you can.


From the sound of it, I'd guess that you bought a tank full gas with water in it. It's not that uncommon, and especially if you fill up your truck right after the gas station has just had its storage tanks refilled. That often stirs up whatever water may have condensed in their storage tank (which normally settles at the bottom, as gasoline is lighter than water) and then the gas pump picks it up mixed with your gas and pumps it into your vehicle's fuel tank. If it is not too much water, sometimes an alcohol-based "gas treatment" like STP will help remove it, but if there is a lot of water in there, you may have to have the gas tank removed and completely drained. This may also be caused by having loose dirt in the tank that can float in the gas and clog the fuel pump's in-tank pickup and/or fuel filter.

Here's one way to check- replace your truck's fuel filter, and when you take off the old one, see if the gas that comes out of it has a noticable amount of dirt and/or water in it. If so, it has to be coming from some where, and that would be your tank. Good luck with it.

I saw a step by step on this site somewhee as to how to upgrade to the 89 mustang MAFS. Can someone please link me to it! Or repost it.

I saw that too, i switched my mafs housings with one that was pretty much too big, but its pretty damn easy to do. Having problems now though that might be because of that, burning a bit too rich, or that could be my EGR acting up, i have no idea.. Going to swap my original sensor into the housing instead of the previous cars sensor.

Keep us updated as to whether or not your problems change

alright, well then i guess i better head out and do it soon, a little sore today after the SOA yesterday, and i hope i can still get the screws out of the original mafs :confused:

K just found my old mafs housing, going to do the painfull attempt and pulling the screws out.. I think there pretty siezed in.

Alright, another update, battery is unplugged to reset the pcm, ready to put the original mafs into the bigger housing, heres a pic of it, sorry im only good at taking blurry pictures :p

Taking a trip to a friends house soon, just have to tighten a brake line to hopefully stop a leak and put the mafs back on and ill be good to go.

I guess i should mention, stock is left. Air filter im using is behind it :D.


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    mafs 002.jpg
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Well it seems to be a bit better, less hesitation, smells like its burning a bit better to. I'll have to look into fixing the egr valve soon.

Btw, I found this MAF housing in a 93 Mercury Grand Marquis V8 ....dunno if this was a fluke

when i look at the maf sensor i see that there are 19 pound calibrated injectors and 24 pound which one should i getfor a 93 X
