93 - 96 OD A4LD SWAP / glacier / anyone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 - 96 OD A4LD SWAP / glacier / anyone?

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What do you want to know? How to put a '93 A4LD into a '96 (presumably 4.0 and not 5.0)? or how to put a '96 4R55E (transmission used behind V6 models) into a '93? Or how to put a '96 4R70W (transmission used behind V8 models) into a '93?

I wiped the info after I seen the 4R is in the '96, not the A4, which I am supposing makes swapping the 1996 trans into a 1993 pretty damn impossible..

IF IT were possible, it would be a 1996 4r44e swap into a 1993 behind a 3.0 . the 4r44e is a 3.0 trans.

This is all in a ford ranger...

I'm not familiar with the 3.0, so I can't say for certain if the bellhousing bolt pattern change. I don't expect it did, but I can't say for sure.

I expect the 4R44E should bolt in just fine in place of the A4LD. The main issue would be with the electronic controls. The A4LD only controls 3-4 shift and TCC lockup electronically. The 4R44E is all electronically controlled. If you can find a stand alone controller (they are expensive, and I've only seen them listed for the 5R55 transmissions), then it might not be a difficult swap. Either that or you end up installing the entire '96 engine management system into the '93.

Which would be pointless at this point. I guess I finish rebuilding the AL4D
