93 eddie bauer not starting anymore. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 eddie bauer not starting anymore.


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May 31, 2010
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93 eddie bauer
pretty sure that the spark plugs are not getting a spark. It would start fine about 3 months ago when i first got it, about one month ago it randomly did not start.. and then it randomly would start like 20 minutes later or so. sometimes it would just take a couple times of me turning it over. but once it's started it runs fine. this went on for a couple more weeks and now here i am where it wont start at all. any ideas??

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Its time to do some basic troubleshooting!

Are there any codes? If so, pull ur codes. If not, disconnect battery to reset the PCM. See if it will start. If not, do you hear the Fuel pump relay turn on when you turn your key?

Maybe pull out the easiest spark plug and see if u r actually getting a spark.

You need to isolate the problem before you can fix it!

Good Luck!

i figured out that i wasnt even getting a spark. and so its basically narrowed down to the coil pack. check engine light comes on, and i tested there is energy going into the coil pack... but no spark. $70 repair from autozone! i think its about time for an all around tune up anyways.
-Thanks for the help! :) and once i install i will post if that was the fix or not.

So it turns out it isn't the coil pack. I'm getting 12v to the pack but no spark. My next guess is the ignition control module. This is a much pricier part so I was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny this as the next way to go.

There are no DTCs stored in the system.

ICM is certainly one possibility. I would probably by checking to see if the ICM is getting power and has a good ground.

As noted by Turdle, CKP is important in telling the ICM and PCM when the engine is turning. A bad CKP/circuit can result in a no start due to no spark.
