93 starter grind | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 starter grind


New Member
November 7, 2004
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St. Albans, wv
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 xlt
ok. for the past week or so, i could start it, but if i shut it off, and tried to start again, it would just click. thought it could be the battery, but it's showing good on the tester. changed the solenoid, still didn't fix it. then i got under it and "tapped" the starter with a hammer. this stopped the clicking problem. but when the engine would fire, it sounds like the starter doesn't disengage. so thinking the bendix in the starter is bad, i put a new starter on it. still doing it. any idea? thanks


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i had a similar thing with one of my starters, the gear wasn't retracting but replacing the starter fixed it for me, is there a chance they maybe gave you another bad one?

the relay is fine and the ignition switch is fine i assume? can you do a amp/voltage check to see what kind of power is getting to the starter? bad battery connection or ground maybe?

well the thing is, it's actually starting the car, but sounds like it's not pulling the gear back or something. could the starter switch cause that?

squall01 said:
well the thing is, it's actually starting the car, but sounds like it's not pulling the gear back or something. could the starter switch cause that?

If the starter quits cranking when you let go of the key, its not the switch or solenoid.

The starter is held in by two bolts...pull it out and check the teeth and flywheel. Report back.
