94 ex 4x4 limited want to make into a rockcrawler | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 ex 4x4 limited want to make into a rockcrawler


New Member
April 6, 2004
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corpus christi,texas
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94 limited
hey guys im brandon and i own a 94 explorer 4x4 limited andi already have a bunhc of things in mind for it such as a lift,tires and some engine up grades but the main thign i was wondering is if 4in lift is to much or what cuae i want to make it into a rock crawler and want to know exactly what i need so please if u can list the price to .thanks

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4" is definately not to big. To fit 33's with no problem you need a 6" lift, which im guessing you want 33's. You can find a lot of information using the search feature on this website too. Welcome to the Site!

but im wondering if how big i can go without being out rageously tippy

The people with the 6" say it isnt really that tippy(6" people say your case), yes it is more than the 4" but no too much. The only way that it will tip is if you make a really sharp turn at a high speed or your on a very steep hill. Also take in count that your new tires will be wider than they are now, and it will add a little stablility.

At the risk of sounding rude, do your homework by SEARCHING around this site. See how much lift most people who actually wheel are running. Check out their setups, read how and why they chose what they did, and what they would do different. It's all here.

Also, welcome to the board! :D

How much of a rockcrawler are you trying to create? To create a real crawler, you are looking at lift, tires, gears, t-case, sliders, lockers, cage...............ie, big bucks! IMHO, for a crawler, you are locking a solid axle swap to do it right, although others here will argue that.

The main thing to remember when building a crawler is keep it as low as possible!! If I were building one, 4"-6" is as tall as I go, then SawZall the rest of the way.

What you need to do now is to be honest with yourself. What do you REALLY want out of your truck and how much time/money do you have to invest. These are the questions I will place before you before I go any farther.

well ok will what do u need to do to the front end to make this work i know i want a 4" lift and some bf krawlers will i need to replace the fornt end with a staight axle suspension cause it has independant right now
please let me know what all ill need thx


i guess that pic is not so good anymore since the swap to the new server :rolleyes:

Read hard in the SAS registry. Ask yourself what you want, and how much you want to spend.

Robb said:
What you need to do now is to be honest with yourself. What do you REALLY want out of your truck and how much time/money do you have to invest. These are the questions I will place before you before I go any farther.
explorer4x4101 said:
i want a 4" lift and some bf krawlers
Is that your complete plan? Is that as far as you have thought about this?
