94 mazda navajo automatic to a manual? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 mazda navajo automatic to a manual?


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March 22, 2009
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1994 navajo, 92 exp sport
I have a 94 mazda navajo 4x4 and its automatic(a4ld). I have a 92 ford explorer 4x4 with a manual transmission. Explorer has a bad motor and the navajo has a bad transmission. Wanted to put the manual transmission in the navajo. Anyone have a clue how hard this would be? I know I could do it, but is there any problems that I could encounter? Reason Im asking is because I have an extra a4ld laying around, but I hate these transmissions and would rather have manual. Please someone, shed some light on me. Im a paramedic and I dont have alot of time to waste. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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If you don't have a lot of time to waste, converting from an automatic to a manual may not be in your best interest.

Short version:
It's not difficult, but it can be very time consuming if you aren't familiar with the process.

Long version:
You'll need to swap a lot of parts over from the 92 which would include (but not limited to) the clutch pedal, the clutch master cylinder, hydraulic line, transmission itself, engine / transmission wiring harness, possibly the PCM, the shifter, shifter boot, and shifter retainer, flywheel, and you'd serve yourself well to pick up a new clutch kit as well since you'll have everything apart. Additionally, you'll have to cut a hole in the existing transmission tunnel

There will also be some splicing involved with the wiring since the OEM 5-speed have a couple sensors that the auto won't have, or you can just yank the entire dash and associated wiring out of the manual vehicle if you were so inclined.

Actually, you won't have to cut a hole in the tunnel, the hole is already there, just covered by carpet. Also, if you have a donor vehicle with all the parts necessary at your disposal, then you have it made my friend! You could possibly complete this swap in a weekend of late nights and early mornings! Check out my how-to thread I just got up this evening. It may help shed a little more light and give you a better idea what your up against. Good luck and take care!:salute:

Manual swap how-to

Thanks guys. I might have to just put another auto in the navajo. Ive done alot of things, but when it comes to splicing wires, I dont trust myself. lol. The explorer has a cracked head, so I guess I could just replace the head and go with it. Then I could fix the navajo and have two running. Only reason I was considering putting the manual in the navajo is because I have an 86 single cab 4x4 ranger that needs a a4ld and I wanted to fix it too. The price you pay for loving too many different styles of fords. haha.

Only reason I was considering putting the manual in the navajo is because I have an 86 single cab 4x4 ranger that needs a a4ld and I wanted to fix it too. The price you pay for loving too many different styles of fords. haha.

I totally understand, Other than listed I have an 89 Bronco F/S, a 95 Aerostar, 97 F250 powerstroke, and a 22 model T Ford. Its a sickness, it really is.

The conversion isn't that bad, its just time consuming. I am converting my 94 Eddie Bauer to a manual. You will need a 94 PCM for a manual trans truck. I have the part number if you want it. The 94s have Calif emmisions and the 92 does not. Also the ignition controls are slightly different from 91-92s to 93-94s. The PCM also controls shifting in the auto, so you would need to "fool" the existing PCM if you reused it for the swap. Depends how 'correct' you want to do the job.

I think someone has already, but I may do a write up on swapping from an auto to a manual.

why not just put the good motor in the explorer and save a bunch of time?

I decided to just put the motor in the explorer. Too much damn trouble to convert it. Thanks guys for all the help. Just makes more sense to do this
