95-97 taillight conversion to 98+ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95-97 taillight conversion to 98+


Well-Known Member
December 13, 2000
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Troy, NY
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'95 EB..wit da frawg eyez
Is there anyway to put a set of 98+ taillights on my ride or what? its a '95 Eddie Bauer...Let me know if anyone has pulled it off.

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The 98+ lights have different edges than the 95-97 ones. I think someone did do the conversion, but only after they switched to a 98+ tailgate. What I do know is there'd be some cutting and bondo involved!

I didnt want to hear that.... but thanks for the heads up.....

why do you want to change to 98-01 tail lights?

good question

1) bc you can find altezzas alot easier...
2) so my '95 looks new....
that is the only change that they have made from 95 until 2001. ( I know there are some slight changes....but only a true explorer fan can point them out all the time.

Altezzas for all year explorers should be coming out soon. Someone posted about it

yeah, 91-97 altezza style tails will be out by early summer. but not the carbon fiber. they'll just be the ugly chrome look altezza tails
