97 Mountaineer 5.0 Lift and Exhaust? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Mountaineer 5.0 Lift and Exhaust?


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2013
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Port Huron, MI
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2004 Ford Explorer
New to the forum and so far I love it. Lots of great info. Sorry if this is in the wrong area. Okay soo I want to lift my mounty 4-5 inches so I can fit bigger tires probably 34s.
For a lift I was going to go with Warrior Shackles with the torsion bar twist 1.5-2inches, Add-a-leaf, and also the pa 853 ranger 3inch lift.
So question is should all of that stuff be good enough to fit 34s?
Also what exhaust could I get for it? I wanted the super 44 flowmaster but the problem is that the muffler that is on there now has the dual intake on it and the super 44 doesn't it only has single intakes. If someone has a custom exhaust on there mounty or explorer please let me know what you used.

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you would need the 883 PA body lift.

and, you can get a dual in single out flowmaster
or just go dual out.

I have a 2001 mounty and run 35/12.50/15s, I have the 883, war shacks
double AAL, and 2.5in tt (my CVs are perfectly fine, after 10,000 miles)
I also have a side dump dual, with 2 thrush turbos (secondary cat delete).


hope this helps


you would need the 883 PA body lift.

and, you can get a dual in single out flowmaster
or just go dual out.

I have a 2001 mounty and run 35/12.50/15s, I have the 883, war shacks
double AAL, and 2.5in tt (my CVs are perfectly fine, after 10,000 miles)
I also have a side dump dual, with 2 thrush turbos (secondary cat delete).


hope this helps


Thank you! That helps a lot. I'm glad I haven't bought the body lift because I would've got the wrong one. But what flowmaster has the dual in like what series?

Also does anyone know if the rancho shocks or the bilstein shocks fit on my mounty? And do they give it any lfit?

They fit I have bilstiens heavy duty on the front and montoe sensa Trac load adjusters on the rear they don't actually add lift but they do since our vehicles aren't new and have sagged over the years you will get that lift back I gained 2" in the rear and 1.5" up front w shock replacement

They fit I have bilstiens heavy duty on the front and montoe sensa Trac load adjusters on the rear they don't actually add lift but they do since our vehicles aren't new and have sagged over the years you will get that lift back I gained 2" in the rear and 1.5" up front w shock replacement

Ooh okay awesome then I'm definitely going to get new bilstein shocks thanks

Front gas shocks lifted the front 1.5"?
Must ride hard!

only air shocks or load assist shocks could give you a "lift" any others will not lift the vehicle as they are not a load bearing member of the suspension

any gains claimed by shocks are probably suspension that hasn't settled after the weight was unloaded to change the front shocks

only air shocks or load assist shocks could give you a "lift" any others will not lift the vehicle as they are not a load bearing member of the suspension

any gains claimed by shocks are probably suspension that hasn't settled after the weight was unloaded to change the front shocks

Ooh okay so what would be some good load assist shocks that will lift it even like an inch or 2?

its still billy-trash rigging with those things seeing that, again, the shock mounts were never really designed to cope with much weight

get new leafs or do a shackle lift

its still billy-trash rigging with those things seeing that, again, the shock mounts were never really designed to cope with much weight

get new leafs or do a shackle lift

Well I planned on getting the pro comp add a leaf and warrior shackles but I need new shocks too because the ones on it are junk

It brought it back up to stock hight like I said its been months and that's what I got 1.5 from replacing them its not added lift but it is since my 13 year old shocks were shot I have pics on my thread called the X so far 97 mounty if you wanna see
