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98 Explorer-starting issue


September 23, 2007
City, State
N.E. Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
My son went to start his vehicle and it wouldn't start. Was trying to but wouldn't. Low and behold the gas level is on "E". Probably out of gas. Added gas and then tried to start but it won't turn over. No click. No response from starter or engine. From turning over fine to nothing with one turn of the key.
Charged battery(assuming good at this point) and still nothing. All lights, horn radio etc etc nice and strong. Getting 12 volts to relay 24 and also tried swapping relay but still nothing. Checked ignition fuses all good. Set charger to jump mode and tried to start. Still nothing at all.

Any help is appreciated before I get into removing the battery and starter.

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Follow up from original post:
Took battery to autozone for test and it failed. Purchased new battery. Still not cranking. Found out the last time it tried to crank, the starter grinded because of frustration level of not starting, was cycling ignition real fast.
So it looks like it's time to pull starter and take a look. But since it's getting cold and no garage, are there any fuses that could be checked prior to crawling underneath. I believe fuse 8 in the PDC is the 40 amp circuit for the starter. Any other fuses that should be checked?

Have you checked the fuel pump inertia shut off switch? Located under the glove compartment near the passenger's feet. If it tripped you can reset it by pushing it back down. It is used to shut off the fuel pump in the event of a collision by extreme acceleration. Also, if you take out the starter look at the teeth on it to see if they are chipped which could point to flywheel problems.

Thanks for the reply. I didn't check inertia switch because the starter is not even cranking. Not even getting the "click" from the starter solenoid when trying to start. Just a click from the relay in the PDC box under the hood.
I'm thinking maybe the starter is engaged with the flywheel but jammed. That would explain the no click and no cranking. I'll find out today. I'm going to pull the starter and see what condition it's in. Anyone ever see a starter jam up with the flywheel before?

It wouldn't be the sensor because the engine needs to crank first before the sensor could keep it from starting. My engine is not cranking.
I have 12 volts on the starter and it's solenoid when the ignition is in start but the starter does nothing. Looks like it's time for a new starter. This one is original starter. I would think 12 years is pretty good for a starter.
Thanks for the help.

Did replacing the starter fix the problem? Sounds like you narrowed it down to the starter solenoid.

The starter was cooked! New starter and all is good again. Had a talk with the kid about running a 12 year vehicle under 1/4 tank. Dirt/moisture/12 year old fuel pump etc etc. We'll see if he listens. My guess is fuel pump will be the next issue.
Thanks to all who helped!

Glad to hear it! Every time we get feedback on the solution it helps dozens of people down the line even if they never post.

If the fuel filter hasn't been changed in a long time and you want to, try soaking the fittings down with PB Blaster before hand. There's plenty of threads on that issue though so I'll leave it at that.

I figured I was good with fuel filter since changed not quite a year ago until local mechanic recommends changing them every 15000 on old vehicles. Keeps the pressure down on the fuel pumps.
