Sleeping in 1993 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sleeping in 1993 Explorer?


New Member
November 3, 2013
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VW T3 (1992)

This is my first post here in that forum! Short about me: i studied here in the US, but I am form germany. in my last two month here in the states, i want to buy a car, to explore the US more than i have done it before, so i am about to buy an affordable ford explorer (93).

Is it possible to fold the Back seats completely to have a nice plane surface to sleep on in the back of the car? Or can i remove the back seats completely to have more space to sleep on?

Any hint (or maybe someone has a photo of the back if a 93 explorer) would be awesome!!!

Thank you so much!


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Wow!!! That is awesome!
Even more than I exprected!

Thank you very much!


Dunno about the 4-door, but my 2-door gives you ~150cm in length.

I've done plenty of traveling and sleeping my explorer. It's fairly comfortable. Twin size mattress fits great so if you plan on sleeping in it for awhile get an air mattress or even better. A real mattress

I used to sleep in my 1993 Explorer all of the time when I went truck camping. Was easier and better than a tent! There is enough room to lay out a decent blanket or sleeping bag, and plenty of length, at least if you are 6ft or shorter. I'm 5'11" and it was plenty for me, although taller folks might not find it comfortable. Even upright sleeping in the front seats was doable; I find the seats in the 1st gen Explorers to be much more comfortable than any other car I've owned, including my 3rd gen

Your posts are really awesome ;)
So that was the last thing i needed to know before buying that car!

Thank you so much!

