98 Ford Explorer xlt passenger's side is 1-1/2" higher than the driver's side. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 Ford Explorer xlt passenger's side is 1-1/2" higher than the driver's side.


New Member
June 26, 2009
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City, State
kingwood, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
91,98 explorer, 95 aero
The 98 explorer xlt 5.0, is 1-1/2" taller on the passenger side, measuring from the centerline of the tire to the bottom of the wheel well there is a difference between the passenger side and the drivers side of 1-1/2". The car looks like is leaning to the drivers side. I have checked the measurements at the ground to the suspension to the lower tie rod and there is only an 1/4" difference. Also the passenger side sway bar is loose, you can spin the bolt by hand. all bolts are tight. send your ideas for me to check

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Your fix might be as simple as adjusting your torsion bars. But you also need to tighted anything loose up too.

Thank to your help I got it working.
I also have an 95 Aerostar 3.0 two things have happened.
The heat the to floor vents has stoped blowing. the blower works and all other vents work but no air is coming out at the floor.
The second thing is the gas pedal is getting harder to push. seems harder in cold weather, can make an suggestions to fix these items

lol a 95 aerostar? cut your losses; it isnt worth fixing!

As for the body lean on your explorer, this is typical as the gas tank and driver are both on one side of the truck. Careful about evening the sides with a torsion twist, as it's probably more on your rear leafspring, but you should be able to check that out by measuring.

Can't help with the Aerostar, I don't even really know what it is.
I suggest you start another enquiry in the appropriate forum.
It works best if there"s one question per thread unless they're connected.

As for the lean, as mentioned check the rear springs to see if any are broken.
The front can be adjusted using the torsion bar adjusters, check the wheel alignment after.

The material that the OEM swaybar linkpin bushes is made out of is crap, replace it with polyurethane and washers or better yet replace the whole link pin and bushes.
Do the mounting bushes as well would be good.

Somebody else here can recommend a brand and supplier.
