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() 98 XLT w/ 31's MT Classic II , Grille ()


After alot of planning, saving , and waiting I finally have purchased my new setup: BFG AT 31's and MT Classic II.
It looks great on my rig and I have gotten alot of compliments. One big prob is they do rub on the wheel wells when you turn the tires almost all the way left or right. I had to take off the plastic piece that has a lip that extends in the wheel well , for one of the tires ripped one of them off. Hopefully, this weekend I will get the TT done and put some shackles on to elminate my problems. Not much power loss to be noticed, tires make nice humming noise at low speeds, car rides better than with Wrangler RTS.....I'm Real Happy With IT~~


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It looks great. Did you do the Torsion Twist and Shackles or is that completely stock?


I noticed that not many people have replied *sigh* ...Sorry the Pictures won't load but I'm working on getting them hosted. If you check out the yahoo link @ the top thread make sure it shows all of the pictures in that portfolio (SHOW ALL 1-27) , for the new pictures are at the end....PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK GUYZ!!!

Nice looking truck you got there.

Those wheels and tires look awsome on your truck. I have a 98 XLT also and would love to have a setup like that. How much did the wheels and tires cost you?

The whole setup ran me about $950 shipped to me from DesertRat in Tucson...very good people to work with and everything came perfectly packaged and it was great just being able to put them on already mounted and balanced...FedEX guy couldn't believe they were already assembled with air in them ( makes his job harder hehe)...I love this new setup, the tires make a real nice hummmm and I have no real complaints as far as MPG and power-loss. My biggest problem is that there is rubbing in the front on the inner wheel wells. Hopefully I can do the TT this weekend and put on shackles next week. I'm crossing my fingers this will take care of it....Everything is perfect otherwise!

Nice rig!! What kind of headlight bulbs are they?? They're really bright and white!!


hey what kind of grille is that and did u have to do any mods to put it in?

nice... maybe my truck needs a lift... i have 31s but they still look tiny

Truck looks brand new after the new wheels!!! Maybe its the wash but hey they look great

where did you get your front hook ups, and your grill... I have a black 98xlt just like that, how much did you spend so far? Email me sometime, I have a lot of ?s as I want to mod. a lot...


I ahve the exact same rim and tire set up. The only thing I am concerned about is the extra weight in the front hub bearings and any additional wear on the whhel studs. Has anyone seen any problems with hub bearings or studs with 15x8 wheels?

Truck looks great

The way you have it set up looks really nice it looks mean and tuff and lookout chevys here comes one bad ford X and loook out little ole ladies here comes a monster on your bumper and either you move or get pushed into the ditch.:D

is that the BFG MT? looks nice. is thehumming annoying and how is the ride on wet pavement? i am debating on bfg MT and At KO.

Beach97- No man, not any problems so far, with my luck I will have problems ....

BigbadFred---- You said it buddy, exactly my thoughts, and the folks round Des Moines call my X "The General" and much respect is given

swak- those a BFG AT's ...awesome tire

The biggest problem with this setup is how far the tires stick out and all the rocks and mudd that has been kicked up on my rocker panels and the paint is slowly being chipped away...any thoughts ? I can't get extend a fender flares for a 98 but Im in desperate need of a solution

Try going to your local ford dealer and getting some fender flares for an Eddie Bauer or maybe the ones for a sport would even work. Or you could try the junk yard.

Not sure man, I know its to much cause its starting to annoy my how much they stick out. addKev might know how much backspacing on the MT Classic II's because he has the exact same setup....

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Looking good man.:D

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