99 Center Console | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Center Console


April 4, 2013
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1999 Ford Explorer
I am picking up a 99 XLS tomorrow and the one thing the wife doesn't like is the center console. Its a black bag under the arm rest...Is there a mod or another year Explorer that I can do a swap out with to make it an acutal console instead of a bag...

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some of the second gens (probably XLT, Eddie bauer, and limited models with the upgrade options etc) had a full length center console, armrest doesnt float, it is teh top for a storage compartment, probably has a CD changer if you find a nice one, and goes all the way along the floor to the bottom of the dash. could prob find one in a junkyard that isnt in too bad of shape.

i think the 2000-2001 Mountaineer or Explorer EB full console would be a direct swap. odds are good you'll need to recover the lid (most of them look like the dog's been chewing on them) but that's a inexpensive repair and easy to do (www.z-interiors.com).

they had three different consoles. the one you have, a short console (ended near the front of the seats) and like blue91ex said, a full console going to the dash. you can swap them out. a short console it a matter of removing the one you have, and replacing it with the sort one (the anchor bracket is the same). if you want a full console, when you remove it (do a search on it, it was made by turdle) you will never figure out how to get it out. plus you would also have to get the small anchor bracket on the floor near the rear of the console as well. also, all consoles from the 95-03 sports, 95-00 explorer or mountaineer, and 01-04 sport trac's will fit. even from the 95-11 short rangers as well

Or do the ammo box mod:JP:
