'99 Ex and Mounty Airdam | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'99 Ex and Mounty Airdam


Explorer Addict
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Duluth, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ex & Mounty
I know that there is quite a difference between the '99 Explorer and Mounty's bumper, but I was wondering if the EE airdam would fit the mounty bumper with some slight modification.

Also, if you don't think that this is a good idea, feel free to say so. I don't think that anyone has tried this, so I would just like to know how easy or hard it would be.

Thanks :)

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here's what i think-

if you ge the mountie bumper leave it "stock" it already has a unique airdam and by switching it to the ee one you'd sort of be losing the point of it.

i'd either buy a new mountie bumper and dam and keep it like that, or else do something like me.

or if you want i can mess around with yours if you have time- maybe at christmas break or something?

here's mine (i know you know what it is) but for others who read this later.


  • bbumperonwmountiegrille.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 479



  • bbumperon3.jpg
    14.5 KB · Views: 479

So you say that I should just get a mounty bumper and leave it stock?

Are you talking about the EE airdam that isn't like yours, because I think that it would kinda fit.

Ground clearance is a little bit less on the mounty bumper, so would an airdam even be necessary?

Could this work?


This is photoshop lowered, with grille, bumper and EE airdam. A pretty crappy job, but an idea.

i think thats too low. i think just the mounty bumper would look better

i think thats too low. i think just the mounty bumper would look better
Yeah, thats what I was thinking when I made it. I just I thought I would post it anyway. I would have no problem going with just the mounty bumper since it will cost less. I am just looking for reactions because photoshop is fun.

Looks good, but you need something else along the sides and a rollpan in the back. ;)

Also paint your fender flairs body color. Then you would be straight pimpin'!

I wan't to paint the fender flares body color, but I probably don't have the money. I bet that I could save some money by removing them myself so the bodyshop doesn't have to add in extra labor. Then all they would have to do is prep and paint. I think that the bumper is a little too low, though, but it would be somewhat custom, and therefore unique. :)

i can't see it...

<---neither can he

It works for me, and I am at school, so the file isn't on my computer. Click show picture.

Does this one work?


more photoshop.

Copy and paste to a new browser.

Btw, I don't think its too low. The lower the better IMO. :)

nothing yet..... what's the url?

Just try to refresh the page and then click show picture. Geocities sucks. :mad:
You may have to try it a few times.

The right url is: http://www.geocities.com/exmounty2000/photoshop.html

I might be able to get a 2000 mounty bumper for really cheap because it is slightly cracked, so I will fix it and maybe get an EE airdam to modify to fit. Is there anyone that would be able to test fit an airdam on the mounty bumper for en estimate on the amount of work involved? John V. maybe?

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I agree the airdam would definately have to be trimmed some. Hangs down too low, unless you get longer side skirts, and larger bumper...
