99 vs 2001 5r55e-- any differences? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 vs 2001 5r55e-- any differences?


Active Member
March 14, 2007
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City, State
Fargo, ND
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mountaineer
I am picking up a used tranny for my 99 Mountaineer tomorrow (4.0L 4WD). THe one that I have selected at this point is from an '01 Explorer with 75k miles on it. Are there any differences between the years that might make this anything other than a direct swap? Also, is there anything that might do to it while I have it in hand? I'll be taking it to a local shop to do the swap.


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The 1997 had an extra sensor in the front of the case, all others are the same as far as I know.

But everything else is the same, so the ISS can just be left disconnected? The place I'm getting it from has some from 99's as well, but they're all much higher miles.

Sorry learn something new every day, my book doesn't mention this and it was printed in 2009. Look at the number of sensors on the case, if it only has one at the rear top then it is the same as yours.

PCM won't know

But everything else is the same, so the ISS can just be left disconnected? The place I'm getting it from has some from 99's as well, but they're all much higher miles.

Since your PCM will not be looking for the 2001 ISS sensor output leaving it disconnected should not make any difference. My 2000 wiring diagrams do not show the ISS sensor. I'd go with the 2001 lower mileage 5R55E.

On it's way home:


After I moved it to the back of my wife's Mountaineer, it tipped over on the way to the tranny shop, and dumped about 1/2 gallon of tranny fluid. It was dripping out of the tailgate when we got there. Lovely.

Well, I see it doesn't have the extra sensor that everyone was talking about, but I also see that the DTR sensor is broken.

What/where is the DTR sensor?

It's the black plastic piece that the gear shift shaft goes thru.


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The black plastic piece behind the shift lever in the bottom middle of the picture? It didn't look broken. If it is, hopefully the one on the original tranny isn't.

Did you get the Torque Converter with the trans? If your old trans was blown, the torque converter is contaminated and they can't be cleaned, and it should not be used.

Yes, it was part of it. I had thought of that so I made sure they included it.

Sorry, the DTR sensor looks ok, I just blew the pic up large and it's not broke. I then realized why I thought it was broke the trans is tilted over in the pic.. Hope it works great.

Thanks for the info and advice, guys. I'll update with the end results once it's in. Hopefully they'll get it done today. Then my wife gets to figure out how to clean up all the tranny fluid in the back. :p

As it turns out, the transmission works beautifully. Happy about that.

Thanks for letting us know that it worked
