a/c experts, i got a problem. any help is appreciated | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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a/c experts, i got a problem. any help is appreciated

March 20, 2008
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98 explorer sport 2wd
i was having cooling issues a year or so back. i just dealt with no a/c for a while. finally i used some r134 from walmart with the leak sealant. it worked for a while but eventually it still leaked out. problem was i had a bad leak on my accumulator (corrosion). i finally replaced it 3 weeks back (have access to a robinair a/c machine, so yes i did recover/vaccum and then charge).

well the a/c still didnt work great. good but not great. i charged it some more with some more walmart 134a (this time with NO sealant). a/c worked about the same. it was really hot this weekend so i noticed even more that my a/c wasnt super cold (when it worked way back it was freezing, now not so much). so i decided to recover, vaccumm and charge again.

i recovered a little over 2 lbs which means i was overcharged by about .3lbs. i vaccummed for 15 mins and noticed that i had a slight leak somewhere in the system. heres the funny thing that happened though. during the last 3 mins or so of vaccum, i was down to about -25lbs of vaccum on the low side and something made a sucking sound (pretty noticible) and the vaccumm dropped to 0 and then started to go back until it reached -25lbs again. i was a little worried about what just happened with the noise but charged anyways with 30oz of r134a.

then i ran the car and checked pressures. low side at 40lbs and high side at 200lbs (no variation, just moved when the compressor turned on and sat at those pressures. btw, the compressor does not cycle really. just turns on a second or so after turning the a/c on, and then stays on for as long as i've looked). temp with max a/c and blower on high and driving on the freeway was 42F at one point. i went WOT on the car so the compressor shut off and turned back on and after another 15 minutes of freeway driving i was at 46F.

if any a/c experts can give me any idea on what this could indicate please do. i have an idea, but at this point i would like to see if it matches any of the experts'. thanks

Whoops can i get this moved to the a/c section? Sorry. Oh by the way ambient temps at 78f and 80f.
