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A faster, simpler, better myford touch is here - MFT Update

Welcome to the Forum POLARIS PRO.:wavey:
You should register your Explorer at; www.syncmyride.com. I believe it is now also known as https://support.ford.com
When you enter the VIN, it should display all the updates that were done on the vehicle. Current version is 3.5.1 which will be updated and replaced with version 3.6 sometime in August. I don't think that there is an easy way to find out the version by checking the software info on the MFT.

When an update is available, you will likely read about it here before anywhere else. The best place is the IVT Forum;

The software updates can sometimes be downloaded from the site I mentioned initially. Sometimes it will say that it is a 'dealer install' in which case you will have to get the dealer to do it.
To start loading of the software into the MFT, the vehicle must be running. Do not turn the vehicle off until the process is complete. It used to take 45 - 60 minutes but I think that may have been reduced to 30 minutes with the new update to come. You can drive during the loading period but don't shut the vehicle off until loading is done.
Syncmyride has the instructions on what is required. Hope this helps.



Thanks for your help! I logged on and registered. It says that I need a new SD card for the A4 update. I requested one, and they said they were going to send me a new one in the mail (with a 0.00 price). They really will send me a new one for free? If so I cannot wait to update my system, but I must have the updated SD card to work with my navigation.

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Thanks for your help! I logged on and registered. It says that I need a new SD card for the A4 update. I requested one, and they said they were going to send me a new one in the mail (with a 0.00 price). They really will send me a new one for free? If so I cannot wait to update my system, but I must have the updated SD card to work with my navigation.
Glad to hear that you are getting the new A4 card. Yes, there is no charge for the cards if they are required as part of the update. V3.5.1 did require that A4 S/D card. I have read that some members that ordered the card had it delivered the next day. Did it say which version is currently installed? I believe the previous version was 3.2.2.


Thanks for your help! I logged on and registered. It says that I need a new SD card for the A4 update. I requested one, and they said they were going to send me a new one in the mail (with a 0.00 price). They really will send me a new one for free? If so I cannot wait to update my system, but I must have the updated SD card to work with my navigation.


If you haven't already done so, make sure you download the 3.5.1 update to a USB flash drive. That way, when you receive your SD card for navigation, you'll be ready to update your MyFord Touch software right away. We also have another update coming in August, so keep your eyes peeled for that as well. Let me know if you have any questions, and congrats on your new-to-you Explorer!



If you haven't already done so, make sure you download the 3.5.1 update to a USB flash drive. That way, when you receive your SD card for navigation, you'll be ready to update your MyFord Touch software right away. We also have another update coming in August, so keep your eyes peeled for that as well. Let me know if you have any questions, and congrats on your new-to-you Explorer!


I have been trying to download it, but it keeps saying " download not complete. There was a problem with your download. The cause for this was likely an error with our systems. If you continue to experience problems with your download please contact us". I have tried 3 browsers, made sure my USB WAS FAT32. My java is up to date, and now customer service is telling me to go to a dealer.

I think with the 2011 vehicles there was a batch that SYNCMYRIDE directed to the dealership instead an "At Home" update. Something to do with other base software that had to be loaded I believe. Your not alone, others had the same thing.

I have been trying to download it, but it keeps saying " download not complete. There was a problem with your download. The cause for this was likely an error with our systems. If you continue to experience problems with your download please contact us". I have tried 3 browsers, made sure my USB WAS FAT32. My java is up to date, and now customer service is telling me to go to a dealer.
I don't know about this update. I was able to do my own. For the first update I had done on my 2011 the dealer had to do it because of possible cooling fan failure issues. There were many 2011's that had the cooling fans replaced. I know that when they updated mine, the tech actually put a large shop fan in front of the Ex as it was idling. Never did have an issue with the fans.
It might be a good idea to take it to the dealer and also have them check to see if the 12B36 Customer Satisfaction Program has been done on it. That was to reprogram the module that controls the fans so that they will run at a higher speed from time to time to prevent contamination of the fan motor contacts. Unfortunately that program is no longer done free of charge. I believe that 'free' period ended May 1st.
Good luck my friend.


I finally got it to download after multiple tries. I put the usb memory stick in the usb port. It started the process but it only had 3 steps instead of the 12 that were in the instructions. It only took a minute and then said that my software was already updated.

I am guessing that the previous owner must have had a dealership perform the update? The navigation SD card that was given to me was the same SD card that was in the vehicle.

How do I tell what version of Sync I have? I looked at the system information but only saw a version number for the navigation software. I did confirm the update to myford sync homepage and it stated that I have SYNC with MyFord Touch
Gen2 - V3.5.1

Maybe this is the only way to see what version is loaded in the Truck.

I finally got it to download after multiple tries. I put the usb memory stick in the usb port. It started the process but it only had 3 steps instead of the 12 that were in the instructions. It only took a minute and then said that my software was already updated.

I am guessing that the previous owner must have had a dealership perform the update? The navigation SD card that was given to me was the same SD card that was in the vehicle.

How do I tell what version of Sync I have? I looked at the system information but only saw a version number for the navigation software. I did confirm the update to myford sync homepage and it stated that I have SYNC with MyFord Touch
Gen2 - V3.5.1

Maybe this is the only way to see what version is loaded in the Truck.[/QUOTE]It is the only way that I know of. There may be a way if you knew how to decode the info that is shown in the MFT screen that shows various software numbers. As for now, it appears that you're up to date. That is until the next update sometime in August.:)


Thanks for everyone's replies and guidance. I will not wait until August and try it again.

Thanks for everyone's replies and guidance. I will not wait until August and try it again.
3.6 is out there now. I downloaded and installed last night. The one thing they don't tell you is that the thumb drive needs to be formatted as FAT32. Wasted my time on the first attempt with a NTSF format that the Explorer would not recognize. Seems like the Download took as long as the actual install which was about 35 minutes. Did not get a chance to test it much.

cool, is there any downloadlink available for direct download?
As I´m not located in US the website tells me, my MFT ist "up to date" with V.2.11 (!)


Downloading the newest version now. I will be interested to see the faster load times and how good the improvements are with this version. I haven't really had any issues with the current version so hopefully this is a faster version and not a step backwards that introduces problems again.

I completed the install this afternoon. I'm mildly pleased with what I observed thus far.

The two biggest improvements to me is faster screen switching and it will now save your Favorite locations while updating.

Glad that they keep tweaking and refining. Now if they would just add the ability to start/stop a radio scan to the steering wheel buttons...

3.6 is out there now. I downloaded and installed last night. The one thing they don't tell you is that the thumb drive needs to be formatted as FAT32. Wasted my time on the first attempt with a NTSF format that the Explorer would not recognize. Seems like the Download took as long as the actual install which was about 35 minutes. Did not get a chance to test it much.
So far so good. The biggest change on the Home screen is display of the song and artist in the entertainment quadrant. The other noticeable change is options are displayed when you press the vocal prompt button.

iPhone Interfering w/Nav & Sync

Surely I can't be the only one with having problems with the Nav and Sync when my iPhone is connected? When connected to the Bluetooth, the Sync software resets itself from time-to-time and the Navigation is almost always rendered useless. The Nav and/or GPS doesn't seem to track the current location when the iPhone is connected, but as soon as I remove it from the Bluetooth, the Navigation and Sync software seem to operate normally. Also, the Bluetooth phone controls work 50% of the time when my iPhone is connected; often it won't answer calls, or when I "hang up" using the bluetooth controls, it often takes several minutes for the system to restore my radio and other services.

Is anyone else having similar issues with an iPhone? The dealer can't seem to resolve the problem after replacing modules, etc. on multiple trips. Would appreciate any feedback from users with similar problems.

I have had none of those issues with my iPhone when it is connected. I do from time to time have random iPhone issues, but nothing that bad or that constant. I seem to have more issues with my Bluetooth headphones and my iPhone than I do with SYNC and my iPhone.

I'm sure you have checked, but make sure you have the latest firmware for all devices, MFT and your iPhone. Also I am curious, is your iPhone jailbroken?

Did the updateto 3.6. Took 30 plus minutes as advertised and no issues. Just a word of caution; during the update you'll get a few instances where the display goes dark for a few minutes. Don't worry, this is how it works.
I didn't have any of the iPhone sync issues discussed here, just wanted to keep MFT up to date. Did notice that the time was wrong after the update, but that was an easy fix.

Surely I can't be the only one with having problems with the Nav and Sync when my iPhone is connected? When connected to the Bluetooth, the Sync software resets itself from time-to-time and the Navigation is almost always rendered useless. The Nav and/or GPS doesn't seem to track the current location when the iPhone is connected, but as soon as I remove it from the Bluetooth, the Navigation and Sync software seem to operate normally. Also, the Bluetooth phone controls work 50% of the time when my iPhone is connected; often it won't answer calls, or when I "hang up" using the bluetooth controls, it often takes several minutes for the system to restore my radio and other services.

Is anyone else having similar issues with an iPhone? The dealer can't seem to resolve the problem after replacing modules, etc. on multiple trips. Would appreciate any feedback from users with similar problems.

We've found this can be caused by a few different things. I recommend turning Auto Phonebook Download off, and making sure you have no special characters or emoticons in the name of your phone or any of the contacts. Here's a helpful link with more information:


Let me know if you have any questions!


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why does it say my software is up to date. When I know that I have not downloaded the 3.6 version?
