A4LD Cooler Line Routing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD Cooler Line Routing


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2008
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City, State
Redmond, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4x4
93, 99 Bauer 4x4
I replaced my A4LD and I don't know if my cooler lines are in the correct locations. I had to cut them off of the old trans because they wouldn't budge when trying to remove them from the old trans. They got a little bent up, so I can't be sure what is what at the cut point.

Which is the out and return on the trans case. Does the out go to the bottom of the trans cooler then the top line goes to the secondary cooler bottom, then back?

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OK! Glad to know. I have been really trying to find the info, but can't seem to get there. Just to be clear, cause terminologies have different interpretations, The Top (upper) is the fitting furthest away from the front of the bell housing and the Bottom (lower) is the fitting closest to the front of the bell housing?

Thank You!:thumbsup:

OOPS! my previous post ended up before yours. It is supposed to be AFTER!

so this answered my question as to which nozzle on the transmission does what... but which line goes to which nozzle?
