A4LD doesn't like to shift out of gears | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD doesn't like to shift out of gears


Well-Known Member
November 7, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
High Point Area, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 EB 304k and counting
I've got a 94 Explorer 4x4 Auto with 300k miles on her. Over the last 6 months to a year the transmission has started acting up. I can start it up and start driving and from a cold start a lot of the times it don't want to shift out of 1st gear, it'll rev to 4k or 5k before it wants to change. When this started it was just overdrive I guess that started acting up, for instance I'd be driving down the highway at about 65-70MPH and normally it'd be in (overdrive I think) and be reving about 2500rpm then it'd get silly and drop a gear and stay revving almost at 3k rpm even on level ground. I could usually get it to get back in OD if I took my foot off the gas and put it in neutral and coasted for a few seconds then placed it back in OD. One time it refused to change back and the transmission smelled something awful when I got home.

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Sounds like you need your OD or Intermediate bands adjusted.

I adjusted them to spec about 2 years ago. Is that the only thing that would make it act up? After it warms up it usually does fine, after it warms up the only one that will act up at times is the OD.

If the OD light is flashing, or the CEL is on, pull the code. Could be a shift solenoid. Is it a shift flare?

My 94 don't have a OD light, the CEL code is only for the (little metal rectangular box that it runs the exhaust gas through under the hood) can't think of the name of it. No, I don't believe it is a shift flare, it just seems as if something is not telling it to shift properly.

Pull the code anyways. The CEL is on for some reason.

The CEL is on due to the DPFE failure.

You're in luck. That is the Differiential Pressure Feedback Sensor. (DPFE) Cake to replace.

Try this repair out...this is a DIY on a 2002 Explorer but it should be remotely close to yours. If it isnt the same search around there should be a DIY for it.



EDIT: You might not be in luck, 300k, slow to change into gear, you might need a new trans...maybe a new explorer...;)
