A4LD Removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD Removal


July 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Peoria Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer xlt
Go figure, I am in the process of removing my A4LD from my 94 4x4 Explorer. I was wondering if I had to remove the cross member for the radius arms up front to pull the trans.

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No, you have plenty of room

Just have to remove the reansmission cross member and take out the Y exhaust pipe. The transmission will tip down nicely. You'll need a couple long extensions to get at the bolts. The TC nuts will need a very thin wall socket because the nuts almost touch the outer rim and the socket won't seat. Had to go through my entire collection before I found one to slip over the nut.

Thanks Opera, I have read a lot of your posts regarding the A4LD. I have a Snap On dealer that I am going to try for the socket and a few longer extensions. I was wondering if you had any suggestions other then the ones you covered concerning the rebuild, yep you convinced me. If all goes well, I will try to do a step by step write up and get it posted with some pics. I will most likely be swapping in a lower first gear which I think some people may find interesting. Thanks again, all your previous posts helped out a ton...

Originally posted by explorerjoe
I will most likely be swapping in a lower first gear which I think some people may find interesting. Thanks again, all your previous posts helped out a ton...

Where did you find that? Ive heard lots of references to a lower 1st gear but have not come up with the actual parts. Do you have any information you can pass along?


Opera House,

I am planning on removing and repairing my A4LD during the summer. I would like to know if you think that I should attempt to replace the intermediate band and (possibly) any other areas of the transmission that seem to be on their way out, or if I should fork out the $1800 or so for a rebuild.

These facts should be noted:
  • I have acquired a daily driver to use while repairing the Ex, and will be home from March 30-July 12, so time is not an issue
  • I can read a technical manual and follow directions, and plan to use the ATSG manual from bulkparts.com
  • I consider myself to be mechanically inclined
  • I have (or can gain access to) all required tools
Is replacement of the intermediate band a very involved procedure? Will the internals of the transmission fall out all over the place once I open it up? Any input on this would be appreciated. I found two different part numbers of the intermediate band on bulkparts.com, do you know which one I will need to order?

I am sure I will have other questions or issues down the road if I decide to tackle this, but this is just an exploratory thing right now.

(Sorry to sort of hijack your thread, explorerjoe :()

What size is the socket that needs to be thin wall? I am pulling mine soon. Just been lazy about doing it.

Is replacement of the intermediate band a very involved procedure? Will the internals of the transmission fall out all over the place once I open it up? Any input on this would be appreciated. I found two different part numbers of the intermediate band on bulkparts.com, do you know which one I will need to order?
Replacing the intermediate band will require you to go quite a ways into the transmission. I would strongly suggest doing a rebuild since you are going to have MOST of the trans on the bench when you replace the bands.
As for the two part numbers, one is a "split" band and the other is a solid design. Unless you are rebuilding an early '91 you will need to order the solid band.

I just finished rebuilding the trans in my '93 and I had very little trouble figuring out how it is done. The manual is a HUGE asset and will walk you through most of the details. The hardest part of the entire rebuild was taking apart the pistons inside of each drum assembly. Once we figured out we could use a press to get them apart it went pretty smooth.

Good luck with the rebuild and feel free to pm me with any questions.

B94Sport, I was wondering

When you posted a few days ago if you were thinking about a rebuild when the weather changed for the better. I think rebuilding it is all a matter of having the time and space. When you first take it apart there will be this urge to remove the parts as fast as you can. Take your time and bag everything in an order you can figure out later. Only remove seals when you are ready to put the new one on. Some seals have a direction and backwards will cause strange problems. After removal from the vehicle, everything else is easy. You might as well do a full rebuild but once you pull out the center support, you can get to the intermediate band. So you could stop there.

Anyway, I have started a rebuild on my 92 A4LD and don't have the book on it. All i am replacing is the piston and springs in the overdrive drum (because this is what exploded causing my truck to DIE!) and the bands since I am there. Does any one of you guys know the tightening and tensioning procedure to set the two adjustable bands?

Thanks, Hoppy...

Any idea how much a transmission weighs? I can rebuild it in my garage, but if it is light enough to be carried by two people, I would like to move it to my basement where I have a lot more room. It is not a good idea to flip the transmission over, correct? Is it safe to tip it on its side (output end facing up into the air)?

EDIT: I think I need part #23997 from bulkpart.com to replace the intermediate band. But it says at the bottom "# 23997 Intermediate and overdrive (uses 2/ unit) *Borg Warner "

If I am thinking right, then this means that I can order one band and be fine, because I am only replacing the intermediate band... Are the intermediate and overdrive bands the same type of band in this transmission?

sure 2 guys can carry it. but it is heavy. probably somewhere around 200 + pounds.

You can never be sure

about the overdrive band. It could be single or double wrap in this transmission. Never really know till you take it apart.

Hoppy.....ATSG manual says tighten to 10 ft-llb and then back off two turns. If double wrap OD back off 3 1/2 turns. Go to www.atcdg.com and click on tech and scan down to A4LD. Sounds like the retainer problem. Make sure those C rings get properly seated.

Oh well...

Unfortunately, my parents did not want to deal with the shenanigans involved with having my transmission in a million pieces in the garage... Thanks to maternal instinct, which gave her the nagging feeling that I was going to die driving my Explorer, mom paid for me to have it repaired at a local, reputable place... Should be getting the Ex back today. We'll see how it went. I never would have dropped that kind of cash to repair the tranny and would have much rather done it myself for less money and more learning experience, but hey, I am not going to refuse when the chance to fix it for free comes along! :D
