A4ld shuttering | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4ld shuttering


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2013
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City, State
Gypsum, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford Explorer xlt
What is shattering and how can I fix it. I believe when my Explorer shifts from 1st to 2nd it starts shaking until finally pops in. Only does it when I step hard on the gas and while turning . I believe it is shuttering if that's what shuttering is.

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I just tightened the bands. Maybe I didn't do it right. Snugged it down and then backed off two complete turns. Didn't use a torque wrench though. Modulator is new.

120 inch lbs?, Mine only goes to 60

Ya I bought one of those a little while age and it snapped on the first torque down. This was the only reason I bought it, for this job. I ended up ordering an old style needle one from Ebay, the description said 0-100 inch lbs but ended up being only 60. I snugged it down last night to what I thought would be 100, we'll see how it goes today.
If you have read my other post I've just been having so many transmission problems. I love the vehicle but I want to get it running properly so I can sell it, because ultimately I'm wanting a full size Bronco!

I guess that did the trick, didn't do it this morning.
