A4LD troubles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 4, 2014
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94 Explorer Eddie
Hello all first time on here any help would be appreciated. Recently was given a 94 Eddie Bauer for free because the transmission has issues, here is what it does. Basically it is stuck in drive or one of the forward gears. Any position you put the leaver it still moves forward no neutral or reverse. In park it won't move but tries to. Could this just be a valve body issue, would be nice if I could fix without removing the transmission. Explorer is very nice shape otherwise only has 95000 miles. I am a decent backyard mechanic so I kinda know how to do things but have not worked on one of these before. Thanks for any help.

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If the RPM's don't change when shifting and shifting doesn't seem firm, it's probably linkage. Drop the pan and check things out. Here's an image for you:


I had the same thing, was given a 94 explorer because of transmission was doing the same as yours.
I rebuilt it with a standard overhaul kit (about $298 & my labor), plus a couple other small mods.
Never did figure out what the problem was, other than the servo seals were hard as a brick.
Still working fine with 20K miles after rebuild.

Thanks for the suggestions keep them coming, won't be able to work on it tell next week.
