AC/Heater cable retention clips | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AC/Heater cable retention clips


Active Member
April 29, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Edmond, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer XL
I"ve been slowly working on getting my heater and AC working. As part of that, I replaced the AC/Heater control deck in the cab using the instructions I found in the dash removal thread here:

When I went to remove the cable retention clips seen in this picture:


I found that they were broken, and not actually holding the cables in place. This was part of my problem in that no matter what you set the control unit to, nothing ever changed because mechanically the cables weren't being retained so they just wiggled around behind the dash never actually changing the settings.

I need these clips. But, t'm struggling to find them because:

  1. I don't know what they are called.
  2. They appear to be part of the cables they are retaining.

Currently, I have it jury-rigged with some zip ties, but this is marginally effective at best. They need to be held securely to really work correctly.

Anyone know where I can get these, or have better ideas for locking these cables in place without epoxying them to the AC/Heater control unit? I want to be able to remove them correctly later this summer when I go to work on the AC portion of this project (heater works now!).


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Off to the bicycle shop for one of these:

90 degree slotted cable stop... ..

Just clean up the broken push-pin jigger so the cable end is roundish.

Do not try to pull the plastic end off the cable (it is glued onto the cable sleeve) you'll just make things worse.

From there slip the cable through the slot and secure to the control head with a screw and nut. (hardware store) you get the idea... .

The "slotted hole" is threaded and is the right size to actually thread the cable end into it, to prevent movement in both directions.

It's a bit of a fidget but it works, permanently, ask me how I know.


It's no surprise to me that someone else here has already run into this. I just sat scratching my head trying to figure out a good solution. Not being a biker, either, this naturally didn't come to mind.

But yeah, this looks pretty much perfect for what I need.



I"ve been slowly working on getting my heater and AC working. As part of that, I replaced the AC/Heater control deck in the cab using the instructions I found in the dash removal thread here:

When I went to remove the cable retention clips seen in this picture:


I found that they were broken, and not actually holding the cables in place. This was part of my problem in that no matter what you set the control unit to, nothing ever changed because mechanically the cables weren't being retained so they just wiggled around behind the dash never actually changing the settings.

I need these clips. But, t'm struggling to find them because:

  1. I don't know what they are called.
  2. They appear to be part of the cables they are retaining.

Currently, I have it jury-rigged with some zip ties, but this is marginally effective at best. They need to be held securely to really work correctly.

Anyone know where I can get these, or have better ideas for locking these cables in place without epoxying them to the AC/Heater control unit? I want to be able to remove them correctly later this summer when I go to work on the AC portion of this project (heater works now!).

I also have a question to this. I'm also on a journey to fix my AC. When I got this far, I noticed the bottom cable that changes the heat to cold is completely gone! And I also dont know what this part is called, where to find it, and where the other end of this cable goes. If someone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
