Accident = Broken Parts? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Accident = Broken Parts?


Well-Known Member
October 26, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Doylestown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
So, here is the story. I was heading home from school yesterday and I was comming up to a 90 degree turn. At this turn I shifted into first. At this time I had my clutch in and was rounding the turn. As I came out of the turn, I left go of the clutch and my rear tires started drifting to the side. My truck then started turning to wards the other lane. There was a car comming so I had to turn the wheel right, my truck then went right. There was a 1ft high stone wall on my right. My truck slid right into it causing the fron right tire to flatten. My rim bent and it looks like my tire was torn. After changing out the spare, I relized that the Locking hub would not fit in the whole of the spare. This is a full size spare of course. I had to put the spare on and the hub on the outside just till I got home. I only lived 2 minutes down the road. I drove home slowly with my hazard lights on.

When I got home, I checked out the damage. My front left tire was straight and my front right was turned outward just a small bit.

Here is the noticable damage. I will have pics up later on.

Bent Rim
Torn tire
Cracked Radius Arm Bushing
Cracked Locking Hub

I fear that my Tie Rod may be bent too. I will have to check on that after school. I did not see any damage to the rotor or that area.

What else do you think could have broken from that crash?

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A reputable alignment shop should be able to tell you what bent and what needs to be replaced.

Ok, I went out and got a new rim for $25 and a new locking hub for $20.



I also took a few pictures of my tie rod. It actually doesn't look that bad. I am going to get my new tire Monday and I will take it to a shop to see what else is bent.











I also realized that I need a new Radial Arm Bushing.




From the pics it looks like the wheel and tire took the brunt of the hit. The Ford TTB is a VERY tough suspension.

If you hit a rock like that with a Blazer or Durango it would have been on the back of a tow truck.:bsnicker:

Okay, well I called a local place and they said that they could match the price I found on the tire along with the balancing. They can do a front end alignment and maybe even put on the Radial Arm Bushing.

Tire - $107
Alignment - $60
Bushing labor - $130

I tried to change the bushing today, but it started raining and it looks extremely hard. You have to take off the spring, dampener, caliper. etc.

Do a search on this site, there are other ways to replace the RAB (with a come-a-long, etc.)...


them bushings needed to be replace a lil while ago . u can see where the arm is moving up an down against the bracket. if u been hearing a clunk in the last few days (before your crash )then id say the bracket need repalcing also.

I didn't here any clunking. I got it back today. They replaced the bushing, and they aligned the font end. I am just waiting for the new tire tomorrow.

I picked up my tire last night. Truck runs great exept I have to take it back to get the tire realigned. The mechanic told me to come back when I get my new tire if the alignement was still of and he would reajust it. After school today, im going to take it to the shop and hopfully it will run better.
